Ready to Launch: The Affordable Care Act and U.S. Health Policy

Friday, September 27, 2013 - 2:00pm through 6:00pm

On September 27, 2013, the Yale University Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) and the Office of Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut will co-host a conference, “Ready to Launch: The Affordable Care Act and U.S. Health Policy.”  This event is about unpacking the policy contents of the Affordable Care Act, identifying what the law means for Connecticut residents, and examining what’s next and how to improve the ACA.   We’ve scheduled the event to coincide with the October 1st rollout of the Affordable Care Act.  We’ve assembled a group of extraordinary speakers and we’re eager to engage in a conversation about the law.

This event will bring together leading policy-makers, academic experts, and the medical community to engage in a discussion about how the ACA will impact Connecticut residents and business owners.  More than that, this event will highlight how important it is to get American health care policy right.  We want this event to show you what the ACA means for health care in Connecticut this year and then explore how we can build on the ACA going forward.

In addition, the “Ready to Launch: The Affordable Care Act and U.S. Health Policy” conference marks the launch of ISPS Health at Yale, a new initiative that is focused on promoting policy-relevant, interdisciplinary research on health policy at the university, encouraging student participation in health policy, helping to coordinate health policy across the school, and formulating evidence-based policy analysis.  ISPS Health at Yale will draw on faculty from Yale and seek to provide an environment where researchers from a variety of academic disciplines can come together to examine and discuss core topics in American health policy.

This event is free and open to the pubic, but registration is required to reserve seating and lunch.

(We cannot guarantee choice of lunch after Tuesday, September 24.)

The event will also be live-streamed.


Burke Auditorium in Kroon Hall, 195 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT
September 27, 2013