This September, ISPS Health at Yale is delighted to host an Affordable Care Act infographic contest.
On October 1st, a number of the insurance coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act will kick into effect. On that date, millions of Americans, particularly those who are uninsured, will be able to get insurance coverage through the State-based health exchanges created by the ACA.
Unfortunately, there’s still a great deal of confusion about the Affordable Care Act. Indeed, according to recent polling, 40% of the public reports not knowing whether the ACA is indeed law or if it’s been overturned (Kaiser Family Foundation Monthly Tracking Poll: August 2013).
Whatever your views on the ACA, we need informed citizens. And with this in mind, we are introducing an infographic contest for Yale students and asking them to produce infographics that can help inform the general public about the law.
The infographics should be focused on summarizing the impact of the ACA on one of the following three topics/questions:
- How the health insurance exchanges will work for individuals buying insurance in the individual market in Connecticut or the U.S. more generally;
- Understanding the impact of the ACA on children and young adults in Connecticut or the U.S. more generally;
- Summarizing the impact of the ACA on health promotion and wellness in Connecticut or the U.S. more generally.
This is more than a contest! The winning Infographics will inform the general public about this major change in American domestic policy.
Please submit your ACA Infographic here.
- The contest is open to all full-time undergraduate.graduate, and professional school students currently enrolled at Yale University.
- Individuals or teams of up to four full-time students can submit infographics.
- Submissions are due by 11:59:59 pm (Eastern Standard Time) on Wednesday, September 25, 2013.
- The Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) will award a $400 Amazon gift certificate for the first place winner, a $150 gift certificate for second place and a $50 for third.
For ACA Infographics Contest rules and regulations, FAQ, and further information, click here.