
Welcome to the ISPS Data Archive!

The ISPS Data Archive consists primarily of social science research based on experiments. The Archive is organized by study and includes the data, analysis code, requisite documentation, and other associated materials. All published materials have been reviewed to enable long-term usability. Read about our approach to curating for reproducibility. Access to the ISPS Data Archive is provided at no cost and is granted for scholarship and research purposes only.

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Title Author(s) Year archivedsort ascending
Gender Composition Predicts Gender Bias: A Meta-Reanalysis of Hiring Discrimination Audit Experiments

Diana Galos, Alexander Coppock

Evaluating Bias and Noise Induced by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Privacy Protection Methods

Kosuke Imai, Shiro Kuriwaki, Tyler Simko, Cory McCartan, Christopher Kenny

Health Risks and Voting: Emphasizing Safety Measures Taken to Prevent COVID-19 Does Not Increase Willingness to Vote in Person

Scott Bokemper, Gregory Huber, Alan S. Gerber

The Power of Protest in the Media: Examining Portrayals of Climate Activism in UK News

Eric Scheuch, Mark Ortiz, Ganga Shreedhar, Laura Thomas-Walters

Benefits by Luck: A Study of Lotteries as a Selection Method for Government Programs

Cesar Zucco, Natalia Bueno, Felipe Nunes

Bridging the Blue Divide: The Democrats’ New Metro Coalition and the Unexpected Prominence of Redistribution

Jacob S. Hacker, Amelia Malpas, Paul Pierson, Sam Zacher

Can Racial Diversity among Judges Affect Sentencing Outcomes?

Allison Harris

What to Expect When You’re Electing: Citizen Forecasts in the 2020 Election

Gregory Huber, Patrick Tucker

Comparing Experimental and Matching Methods Using a Large-Scale Voter Mobilization Experiment

Kevin Arceneaux, Donald P. Green, Alan S. Gerber

The Effect of Priming Structural Fairness on Inequality Beliefs and Preferences

Gregory Huber, Paul Lendway

On the Merits of Separate Spaces: Why Institutions Isolate Cooperation and Division Tasks

Scott Bokemper, Gregory Huber

A 2 Million-Person, Campaign-Wide Field Experiment Shows How Digital Advertising Affects Voter Turnout

Sylvan Zheng, Andrew Beasley, Solomon Messing, Harry Hartman, James Barnes, Kelly Zhang, Jennifer Allen, Alexander Coppock, Minali Aggarwal, Dan Frankowski

Irrelevant Events and Voting Behavior: Replications Using Principles from Open Science

Matthew H. Graham, Gregory Huber, Neil Malhotra, Cecilia Hyunjung Mo

Response Options and the Measurement of Political Knowledge

Kelly Rader, John G. Bullock

Does Digital Advertising Affect Vote Choice? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment

Ethan Porter, Donald P. Green, Alexander Coppock

COVID-19 Local and Provincial Government Survey (LPGS)

Rohini Pande, Soledad Artiz Prillaman, Stefano Fiorin, Michael Callen

What You See and What You Get: Direct and Indirect Political Dividends of Public Policies

Cesar Zucco, Natalia Bueno, Felipe Nunes

A Field Experiment on Community Policing and Police Legitimacy

David Rand, Kyle Peyton, Michael Sierra-Arevalo

Testing the Efficacy of Three Informational Interventions for Reducing Misperceptions of the Black–White Wealth Gap

Michael Kraus, Jennifer Richeson, Leilah Harouni, Bennett Callaghan

The Generalizability of Online Experiments Conducted During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kyle Peyton, Gregory Huber, Alexander Coppock