Yale ISPS Behavioral Research Lab

Click to sign up for future research

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About Signing up:

You can sign up if you are a current Yale staff or student (undergraduate, graduate, or professional) with a valid Yale email address (usually firstname.lastname at yale.edu).

When you sign up, you will complete a short pre-survey. If you complete this survey you will be eligible to win a $100 Amazon.com gift card (chances of winning 1 in 100).

You can then sign up for future lab sessions.

You have no obligation to participate in future studies.

Average earnings of at least $15 per hour.


1. How and when will I get paid?

After completing a session at the BRL, you will be paid in cash by the Lab Manager. The drawings for the Amazon.com gift cards for signing up takes place at the end of every sign-up period.

2. How is my confidentiality protected?

All personally identifying information (name, email address, etc.) is hidden to researchers. The code you received upon sign up (which also appears in the “My Profile” section of your account) is the only information that will be used to identify your responses.

3. I’ve changed my mind and don’t want to be signed up any more. What do I do?

Participation is completely voluntary and you may close your BRL account at any time. Please email isps.brl@yale.edu from your firstname.lastname at yale.edu email address with the subject line “Delete BRL Account.” When you close your account, your pre-screen responses will be deleted.

4. Where is the BRL? (Directions)

The BRL is located at ISPS, 77 Prospect St., B012. To participate in a session, enter through the main entrance on Prospect St. and take a left down the stairs. Follow the signs to the BRL. If you are participating in a weekend session, a lab associate will be at the front door (which is locked outside of business hours) 15 minutes prior to the session start time.

5. How can I conduct research at the BRL?

The BRL is available for research by current Yale faculty members, students, and research affiliates. If you are interested, please send an email to isps.brl@yale.edu with your name, affiliation, and brief project description.