
Photo: Dan Renzetti, OPAC
Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics

Rohini Pande is the Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics and Director of the Economic Growth Center, Yale University.

William C Brainard Professor of Economics; Professor of Management

Professor Polak is an expert on decision theory, game theory, and economic history. His work explores economic agents whose goals are richer than those captured in traditional models. His work on game theory ranges from foundational theoretical work on common knowledge, to applied topics in corporate finance and law and economics. Most recently, he has made contributions to the theory of repeated games with asymmetric information. Other research interests include economic inequality and individuals’ responses to uncertainty.

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ISPS Graduate Policy Fellow 2024

Dana Scott is a fourth-year PhD candidate in the economics department specializing in labor economics. In her current work, she studies how amenities affect wage dispersion in the labor market using administrative matched employer-employee data and collective bargaining agreements in France. Prior to beginning the PhD at Yale, she completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Chicago, worked in mortgages trading at Goldman Sachs, and was a pre-doctoral research fellow at Princeton University.

Theodore Nierenberg Professor of Economics

Fiona M. Scott Morton is the Theodore Nierenberg Professor of Economics at the Yale University School of Management where she has been on the faculty since 1999. Her area of academic research is empirical industrial organization, with a focus on empirical studies of competition in areas such as pricing, entry, and product differentiation. Her published articles range widely across industries, from magazines, to shipping, to pharmaceuticals, to internet retailing, and are published in leading economics journals.

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ISPS Graduate Policy Fellow 2024

Ziqing Yan is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Economics. Her research focuses on the impact of labor market policies on workers. For example, her previous work examines the effect of occupational licensing regulations on the gender wage gap. As an ISPS fellow, she will study the cost of job displacement at the household level and its implications for the design of assistance policies. She holds a B.A. in Economics from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.

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