American Politics & Public Policy Workshop: Lauren Davenport, “Multiracialism in Contemporary U.S. Politics”
“Multiracialism in Contemporary U.S. Politics”
Speaker: Lauren Davenport, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Stanford University
Abstract: In the 2000 U.S. census, respondents were allowed to self-identify with more than one race for the first time. Today, the intermarriage rate is at an all-time high and multiple-race identifiers are one of the fastest-growing demographic groups in the country. Increases in race-mixing have raised important questions about minority group solidarity in American politics. Yet, due to challenges in studying the mixed-race population, we know little about the political opinions of multiple-race identifiers and from where those opinions emerge. Drawing on in-depth interviews and national survey data of over 37,000 multiracial respondents, this research provides insight into how mixed-race Americans develop their racial and political identities. Findings show that racial identification is a product of socioeconomic status, racial environment, religion, and most significantly, gender. Moreover, the decision to embrace multiple racial labels is associated with a progressive approach to racial and social issues, especially gay marriage. I examine two explanations for these political findings: the transmission of attitudes from interracial parents to multiracial children, and the unique life experiences of multiracials in the United States.