Book Talk: The American Health Care Paradox
The American Health Care Paradox: Why Spending More is Getting Us Less, coauthored with Lauren Taylor, 2013 (PublicAffairs)
For decades, experts have puzzled over why the U.S. spends more on health care but suffers poorer outcomes than other industrialized nations. In The American Health Care Paradox, Elizabeth H. Bradley and Lauren A. Taylor marshal extensive research, including a comparative study of health care data from thirty countries, and get to the root of this paradox: we’ve left out of our tally the most impactful expenditures countries make to improve the health of their populations—investments in social services. They show us how and why the U.S. health care “system” developed as it did; examine the constraints on, and possibilities for, reform; and profile inspiring new initiatives from around the world.
Elizabeth H. Bradley is a professor of public health at Yale University and director of the Yale Global Health Initiative and faculty director of the Global Health Leadership Institute. She is also a faculty affiliate of ISPS Health. Lauren A. Taylor is a graduate of Yale College and the Yale School of Public Health, and now studies health care ethics at Harvard Divinity School.
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