Special Workshop on Survey Experiments with Adam Berinksy, MIT

The Political Science Department’s Methods Skills Enrichment project is hosting a workshop on survey experiments on the afternoon of April 13th. The workshop will be led by Adam Berinsky, professor of political science at MIT, an expert on the design and implementation of survey experiments. Topics covered in the workshop include best practices in designing survey experiments, implementing attention checks, and using different sample pools. This is a great learning opportunity for those who conduct surveys as part of their research.
We welcome Yale students, faculty, and researchers from all social science disciplines. Seating is limited so we ask that you register in advance to reserve lunch and guarantee your attendance.
Adam Berinsky is a Professor of Political Science at MIT and serves as the director of the MIT Political Experiments Research Lab (PERL). Berinsky received his PhD. from the University of Michigan in 2000. He is the author of “In Time of War: Understanding American Public Opinion from World War II to Iraq” (University of Chicago Press, 2009). He is also the author of “Silent Voices: Public Opinion and Political Participation in America” (Princeton University Press, 2004) and has published articles in The American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, Political Analysis, Political Behavior, Political Psychology, Public Opinion Quarterly, The Quarterly Journal of Political Science, American Politics Research, The Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, PS: Political Science and Politics, and Communist and Post-Communist Studies. He is currently the co-editor of the Chicago Studies in American Politics book series at the University of Chicago Press. He is also the recipient of multiple grants from the National Science Foundation and was a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.
The Yale Political Science Methods Skills Enrichment Initiative seeks to connect students, faculty, and other researchers with resources to improve their methodological and technological skills. We maintain a wiki in which users can learn new skills for quantitative research and share their knowledge with others. In addition, we plan practicum workshops led by Yale and non-Yale affiliates so researchers can apply new methodology to their own works. Visit our wiki site at: : http://poliscimse.wikispaces.com/.