“Political Lotteries: The Future of Democracy?” A Panel Discussion

Event time: 
Friday, December 1, 2023 - 4:00pm through 5:15pm
Sterling Memorial Library (SML ), Lecture Hall
120 High Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 


If democracy is in crisis, then are political lotteries the solution? This panel event brings together experts on sortition, deliberative democracy, and collective governance, to discuss how incorporating lottery-based selection in settings from politics to technology companies might be the next big democratic innovation.

• Federica Carugati, King’s College London
• Dimitri Landa, New York University
• Philip Lindsay, Democracy Innovation Hub, Bard College
• Kris Rose, Governance Insights, Meta

The panel will be moderated by Alexandra Cirone, Faculty Fellow in Democratic Innovations at Yale’s Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS).

This panel is part of a larger day-long event, the “Lotteries and Democracy Conference.” Please contact Alexandra.Cirone@yale.edu for more information if you are interested in attending.

Sponsored by the Democratic Innovations Program at Yale’s Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS)