ISPS Policy Fellows Application Form

Thank you for your interest in the ISPS Graduate Policy Fellows program.  We are now accepting applications through January 15, 2025 at 11:59 pm ET.

Please fill out the fields for your name, email address, program and year of study, and the Yale academic advisor’s information on the form below.

Use the file upload tools to attach your CV, research statement and cover letter as a PDF documents. The research statement should summarize the project you hope to conduct as a Policy Fellow and should not exceed two pages. The cover letter should explain how your project fits into your broader research agenda and should not exceed one page.

At this stage we ask that you please provide the name of the faculty member who will advise the project, but that a letter from this faculty advisor is not required at this time.

Please use the following format for each file and PLEASE ONLY SEND IN PDF.

  • Lastname_Firstname_CV.pdf
  • Lastname_Firstname_Research_Statement.pdf
  • Lastname_Firstname_Cover_Letter.pdf

Make sure you click “Submit” once you have completed all the required fields. You will see an automatic confirmation message on your screen that your application was received and you will receive an email message confirmation of your submission within a few minutes.

Selected fellows will be notified at the beginning of the new year.

>>Back to main ISPS Policy Fellows page

Please describe briefly (in one sentence) what your research is about.
The Policy Fellows program provides up to $2,500 to fund your proposed research project. How do you plan to use your research funds to support your project? We do not need a specific budget.
Are there any skills you hope to develop as a Policy Fellow in the ISPS community? (optional)
Based on their work in academic and policy venues, are there any scholars (in or outside of your discipline) with whom you’d like to engage? (optional)
Upload your research statement, named LastName_FirstName_Research_Statement.pdf
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt html pdf doc docx.
Upload your CV, named LastName_FirstName_CV.pdf
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt html pdf doc docx.
Upload your cover letter here, named LastName_FirstName_Cover_letter.pdf
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt html pdf doc docx.
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