Itamar Yakir

Itamar Yakir
Itamar Yakir is a postdoctoral sssociate with the Democratic Innovations program at Yale’s Institution for Social and Policy Studies and with Yale’s Identity and Conflict Lab. He received his Ph.D. in Public Policy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2023.
Yakir studies political economy, political behavior, and public policy and has a special interest in social identity and the situation of migrants and minorities in the labor markets. His current projects focus on the divergence in the perception of reality and how it affects the relations between groups and the emergence of political positions.
He has been a researcher at the center for governance and the economy at the Israel Democracy Institute, where he wrote about the integration of minorities in the labor market, Israeli politics, and local elections. His work has been published in Public Choice and is forthcoming in American Journal of Policial Science.