Full citation:
Iversen, Torben and Frances Rosenbluth (2011) Women, Work, and Politics: The Political Economy of Gender Inequality, New Haven: Yale University Press.
Winner of the 2011 Victoria Schuck Award sponsored by the American Political Science Association
Looking at women's power in the home, in the workplace, and in politics from a political economy perspective, Torben Iversen and Frances Rosenbluth demonstrate that equality is tied to demand for women's labor outside the home, which is a function of structural, political, and institutional conditions. They go on to explain several anomalies of modern gender politics: why women vote differently from men; why women are better represented in the workforce in the United States than in other countries but less well represented in politics; why men share more of the household work in some countries than in others; and why some countries have such low fertility rates. The first book to integrate the micro-level of families with the macro-level of national institutions, Women, Work, and Politics presents an original and groundbreaking approach to gender inequality.
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