Full citation:
Miguel E, Camerer C, Casey K, Cohen J, Esterling KM, Gerber A, Glennerster R, Green DP, Humphreys M, Imbens G, Laitin D, Madon T, Nelson L, Nosek BA, Petersen M, Sedlmayr R, Simmons JP, Simonsohn U, Van der Laan M (2014). Promoting Transparency in Social Science Research. Science, 343(6166):30-1. doi: 10.1126/science.1245317.
In this article, we survey recent progress toward research transparency in the social sciences and make the case for standards and practices that help realign scholarly incentives with scholarly values. We argue that emergent practices in medical trials provide a useful, but incomplete, model for the social sciences. New initiatives in social science seek to create norms that, in some cases, go beyond what is required of medical trials.
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