Alexandra Cirone

Alexandra Cirone
Alexandra “Ali” Cirone is an assistant professor in the London School of Economics’ School of Public Policy (SPP) and has a joint appointment in the Government Department. She also holds a research appointment at the BI Norwegian Business School, and she is a non-resident fellow in the Democratic Innovations Program at Yale University’s Institution for Social and Policy Studies. She is one of the editors and co-founders of, a blog on historical political economy.
Her research interests center on political selection and institutional design in democracies, lottocratic governance and policy, historical political economy. She combines quantitative and computational methods, historical data, and natural and/or quasi-experimental research designs with extensive archival research. Her recent work has been published in the American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, World Politics, Political Science Research and Methods, Journal of Historical Political Economy, and the Annual Review of Political Science. Her personal website can be found at