Kyle Thomas Ramos

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Undergraduate Dahl Scholars

Kyle Thomas Ramos

Dahl Scholar, 2024-2025

Kyle Thomas Ramos is a third-year student originally from Stuart, FL, pursuing a simultaneous BA/MA in Political Science and an advanced language certificate in Spanish. Under the advice of Professor Christina Kinane, Kyle Thomas studies the interbranch politics of the Federal Judiciary. His research focuses on the strategic creation of judicial vacancies by judges and the methods governing parties employ to entrench their influence in the judiciary, particularly when facing electoral defeat. Kyle Thomas has amassed significant research experience, serving as a research assistant for both Professor Kinane and Professor Kalla. His work earned him distinction from the Hoover Institution at Stanford University for his independent research on the Government Accountability Office’s nonenforcement of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act. He has also served as an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for Data Science for Political Campaigns and Yale’s Directed Studies Program. Beyond academics, Kyle Thomas has interned with the American Enterprise Institute (summer 2023) and the U.S. Department of State (summer 2024). He currently serves as a Head Tour Guide for the Yale Admissions Office and Visitor’s Center and is set to intern with the U.S. Department of Justice in summer 2025.

Political Science