Representation & Governance: A Conference in Honor of David Mayhew

Conference Papers

Panel 1: Electoral Connection 40 Years Later


"The Electoral Connection, Then and Now"
Author: Gary C. Jacobson
Discussant: Mark Mellman

"The Electoral Connection, Age 40"
Author: R. Douglas Arnold
Discussant: Charles Stewart III

"Legislative Parties in an Era of Alternating Majorities"
Author: Frances E. Lee
Discussant: Morris Fiorina


Panel 2: Parties, Procedures, and Policy-Making


"Majoritarian Tension and Institutionalization"
Author: Keith Krehbiel
Discussant: Richard Bensel

"Can Congress Govern in Polarized Times?"
Author: Sarah Binder
Discussant: Gregory Huber


Panel 3: Party Development / Party Factionalism over Time


"Where Measures Meet History: Party Polarization During the New Deal and Fair Deal"
Authors: Joshua D. Clinton, Ira Katznelson, and John S. Lapinski
Discussant: Rogers Smith

"Parties Within Parties: Parties, Factions, and Coordinated Politics, 1900-1980"
Authors: John Mark Hansen, Shigeo Hirano, and James M. Snyder Jr.
Discussant: Devin Caughey


Panel 4: Problem-Solving and the American Political System


"Can Congress Do Policy Analysis? The Politics of Problem Solving on Capitol Hill"
Authors: Eric Patashnik and Justin Peck
Discussant: Robert Lieberman

"Studying Contingency Systematically"
Authors: Katherine Levine Einstein and Jennifer Hochschild
Discussant: Stephen Skowronek


Panel 5: Electoral Security


"What Has Congress Done?"
Authors: Stephen Ansolabehere, Maxwell Palmer, and Benjamin Schneer
Discussant: Joshua D. Clinton

"A Baseline for Incumbency Effects"
Author: Christopher H. Achen
Discussant: Larry Bartels

"The Incumbency Advantage Revisited: How Measured? How Big? Has it Changed? What Consequences?"
Author: Robert S. Erikson
Discussant: Eleanor Powell