COVID-19 Social Science Research Opportunities for Students

Event time:
Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 12:00pm through 1:15pmEvent description:
Join us for a virtual meeting featuring social science research opportunities for students interested in working on projects related to COVID-19. Faculty, of course, are very welcome to attend and learn about their colleagues’ research plans. The meeting is open to members of the Yale community, but advance registration is required at this link. The event is being cosponsored by the FAS Division of Social Science, the Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS), and the Tobin Center for Economic Policy.
- Molly Crockett, Assistant Professor of Psychology
- Gregory Huber, Chair and Forst Family Professor of Political Science, Faculty in Residence at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Associate Director of the Center for the Study of American Politics, and founding director of the ISPS Behavioral Research Lab
- Rohini Pande, Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics, Director of the Economic Growth Center
- David Wilkinson, Executive Director, Tobin Center for Economic Policy; Assistant Professor Adjunct at the School of Medicine Child Study Center; Senior Fellow at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies
- Fabrizio Zilibotti, Tuntex Professor of International and Development Economics
- Moderator Alan Gerber, Dean of the Social Science Division of the Faculty of Arts and Science, the Charles C. and Dorathea S. Dilley Professor of Political Science, Faculty in Residence at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies, and incoming Director of the Institution for Social and Policy Studies
Get information on how to apply for research positions at this link.
Open to:
Yale Community Only
Free but register in advanceRegistration Info:
Advance registration is required to receive Zoom link to join the meeting.Contact email