ISPS-MacMillan Multidisciplinary Research Fund

The Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) and the MacMillan Center at Yale support research that extends across traditional disciplinary and program boundaries. To be eligible for this research fund, research proposals can be either domestic or international.

As ISPS typically supports social science research on domestic social and policy issues and MacMillan focuses on international and regional research, this partnership provides the flexibility for faculty to assemble multidisciplinary research teams and research proposals on general themes without concern for the distinction between domestic or international coverage and simplifies things by letting faculty apply through one process.

Application information

We especially encourage collaborations across academic divisions or schools that arguably might not have occurred without the catalyst of these seed funds.  

In addition, we especially encourage early career faculty and researchers to apply for this funding, although we will give full consideration to proposals from faculty at all career stages.

The grant is designed to cover a 1 or 2-year project, with an expectation that at least one publication-quality research report will emerge within 3 years.

The proposal includes a 3-page project description (see details below). The typical award is between US$5,000-15,000, and the maximum award is US$40,000.

Please stay tuned for information about the RfP in the academic year 2024-25!

Important note: The MacMillan Center is currently supporting other RFPs. Researchers may apply for funding for their project from more than one of these, but must indicate that they’ve done so and offer a budget justification that clarifies all proposed funding sources. The justification should clarify what will happen should the full amount not be funded.

Proposals will be reviewed based on the importance, excellence, and innovativeness of the research given the size of the budget request. Pilot projects and projects with potential to evolve into larger collaborative studies are especially welcome, and upon request may be considered as additions to MacMillan’s Global Programs.

If an award is granted, some further steps, including a data archiving plan and IRB approval if applicable, will be required before funds are released.

Further details on the project proposal and other requirements are provided on the ISPS website. For logistical questions about funding proposals please email ISPS Associate Director for Research & Strategic Initiatives, Limor Peer, limor.peer(at)

Before applying

Scholars interested in applying for ISPS funding should review ISPS guidelines,

To apply for the ISPS-MacMillan Multidisciplinary Research Fund

Fill out the ISPS Grant Application Form (via Qualtrics).

The application includes:

  • Name, Title, Yale Affiliation, Email, Faculty sponsor (for students and post-doctoral fellows).
  • Project Title.
  • Project Description. Up to 3 pages. Must include the following: Research Design, Data Analysis Strategy; International Component; Project Timetable; Budget and Budget Justification; and any additional relevant information. Sent as an attachment.
  • Results and Positive Impact (the expected outputs/outcomes and positive impacts of the project and a description of the strategy for measuring results, evaluation, and demonstration)
  • Funds Requested.
  • IRB status at time of application (if human subjects will be used).
  • Curriculum vita. Sent as an attachment.
  • Indicate if applying for other funds for this project (if yes, which).