ISPS Awarded Funding for Data CuRe Project

June 27, 2019

Updated July 25, 2019

The Institution for Social and Policy Studies at Yale University (ISPS) received a National Digital Infrastructures and Initiatives project grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

Along with ISPS, the Odum Institute at the University of North Carolina and the Institute for Social and Economic Research at Cornell University (CISER) will administer an evidence-based Data Curation for Reproducibility (Data CuRe) training program. Limor Peer, PhD, Associate Director for Research at ISPS, is Principal Investigator.

The project will help library and archives practitioners learn the skills they need to support members of the research community meet growing expectations for reproducible research practices. The project aims to expand the community of practice around curating for reproducibility. This is becoming increasingly important as researchers look to libraries and archives to provide the tools, services, and expertise to support the latest norms in research practice.

The Data CuRe training project builds on the experience of the ISPS Data Archive in implementing procedures for curating for reproducibility and on similar practices, such as the Results Reproduction service offered by CISER to Cornell researchers and the data review service provided to academic journals by the Odum Institute.

See Yale News story.

Support for the grant by