More Opportunities for Students Researchers on COVID-Related Projects
ISPS, FAS, and the Tobin Center hosted a virtual meeting on Thursday, June 4, to announce new research and volunteer opportunities for Yale students. This is the second in a series of such meetings, and it featured new and ongoing work on COVID-related projects from across campus.
At the Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI), Tesheia Johnson (Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer) and Marcella Nunez-Smith (Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer) are conducting surveys in the African American community about COVID-19. The project is gathering information about knowledge, attitude, behaviors, financial hardships, food insecurity, as well as the role of government and trust in institutions. As they work on a roadmap for reopening Connecticut, Johnson and Nunez-Smith are seeking students to assist in scaling up testing, contact tracing, and help in designing and promoting the message.
At the Yale Research Initiative on Innovation and Scale (Y-RISE), Mushfiq Mobarak (Professor of Economics at SOM) is conducting high-frequency phone based surveys and running experimental and non-experimental evaluations for policymakers in Bangladesh, Nepal, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone to develop policy responses to contain the spread of COVID-19. The team is offering an opportunity for students to be involved. Interns will be expected to update website with new content and data; keep track of media mentions; design policy briefs; reach out to policymakers, academics, and journalists; and provide support organizing events.
At the Tobin Center for Economic Policy, David Wilkinson (Executive Director) is working on projects that involve policy partnerships with government in the US, particularly in the areas of unemployment, child welfare, and vulnerable populations. The Center is looking for students with data analytics and database skills. Some work is only a few hours a week, and some work is full time summer employment.
Professor Emma Zang, (Assistant Professor of Sociology) conducts research focusing on population health and family studies. Her projects are on the pandemic, gender equality, and racial disparities. She is offering opportunities for students to help with data cleaning.
FAS Dean Alan Gerber hosted the event via Zoom, which had over 100 attendees. Afterwards, three dozen students reached out to the presenters to apply for research or volunteer positions.
A recording of the Zoom meeting is now available here (NetID required).
For information on how to apply please visit To indicate your interest in future social science research opportunities, please fill out this short form.