The “Race Card” Revisited: Assessing Racial Priming in Policy Contests

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Suggested citation: 

Huber, Gregory A., Lapinski, John S. (2006), Replication Materials for ‘The ‘Race Card’ Revisited: Assessing Racial Priming in Policy Contests.’ ISPS Data Archive.


Gregory Huber, John S. Lapinski

Research design: 
Data type: 
Data source(s): 

Knowledge Networks Web-TV survey panel

Data source information: 


Field date: 
June 1, 2003
Field Date: 
2003 - 2004
Location details: 
Unit of observation: 
Sample size: 
6,300 (2,600 from Experiment A and 3,700 from Experiment B)
Our experiments were conducted using Knowledge Networks’ (KN) Web-TV survey panel, which closely approximates a national random digit dialing sample. See Clinton and Lapinski (2004) for a more extensive description of the KN panel and a complete description of how the self-administered surveys are implemented.
Randomization procedure: 
Respondents were randomly assigned to view one of a series of constructed political advertisements on their home television.
Control group viewed a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) appeal and the treatments are issue advertisements concerning welfare reform that vary in their racial content.
Treatment administration: 
Web TV (via survey panel)
Outcome measures: 
Opinion on race-related and other policy issues
Archive date: 
Gregory A. Huber, John S. Lapinski
Owner contact: 


Terms of use: 

Adcademic, non-commercial; see ISPS Terms of Use /data/data/login/isps-data-archive/

Area of study: 
Data file number Description File formatsort descending Size File url
D013F02 Dataset - experiment A1 .csv 721116 Download file
D013F04 Dataset - experiment B1 .csv 1019562 Download file
D013F10 Program file - fig 2, exp A .do 2048 Download file
D013F07 Program file - exp B create tabs .do 2574 Download file
D013F11 Program file - fig 2, exp B .do 2048 Download file
D013F06 Program file - exp A recode vars .do 3376 Download file
D013F12 Program file - fig 5 .do 12889 Download file
D013F13 Program file - fig 5, high ed .do 2048 Download file
D013F14 Program file - fig 5, low ed .do 2048 Download file
D013F09 Program file - fig 2 .do 12904 Download file
D013F15 Program file - figs 3,4 .do 9394 Download file
D013F16 Program file - figs 3,4 .do 2048 Download file
D013F08 Program file - exp B recode vars .do 3420 Download file
D013F05 Program file - exp A creat tabs .do 4722 Download file
D013F01.1 Code for PII removal .do 925 Download file
D013F03 Dataset - experiment B1 .dta 70974 Download file
D013F01 Dataset - experiment A1 .dta 53951 Download file
D013F27 Output file - fig 4 .eps 13312 Download file
D013F24 Output file - fig 2-2 .eps 23552 Download file
D013F23 Output file - fig 2-1 .eps 23552 Download file
D013F28 Output file - fig 5-1 .eps 23552 Download file
D013F25 Output file - fig 3 .eps 18432 Download file
D013F26 Output file - fig 3 legend .eps 10240 Download file
D013F29 Output file - firg 5-2 .esp 24576 Download file
D013F30 Output file - tab 4a .out 1024 Download file
D013F31 Output file - tab4a R .out 8192 Download file
D013F32 Output file - tab 4b .out 1024 Download file
D013F33 Output file - tab 4b R .out 8192 Download file
D013F34 Output file - tab 5 .out 1024 Download file
D013F35 Output file - tab 5 R .out 6144 Download file
D013F36 Output file - tab 6 .out 1024 Download file
D013F37 Output file - tab 6 R .out 4096 Download file
D013F38 Supplementary materials .pdf 7987 Download file
D013F42 Supplementary materials (Output file - fig 2-5) .pdf 185172 Download file
D013F17 Program file - exp A, tabs .R 5575 Download file
D013F18 Program file - exp A, recode .R 3351 Download file
D013F19 Program file - exp B, tabs .R 3714 Download file
D013F20 Program file - exp B, recode .R 3393 Download file
D013F21 Output file - Exp A, tabs, R .txt 26624 Download file
D013F00 Readme file (updated) .txt 2012 Download file
D013F22 Output file - exp B, tabs, R .txt 17408 Download file
D013F43 Metadata (DDI 3.2) .xml 537577 Download file