Does Publicizing a Tax Credit for Political Contributions Increase Its Use?: Results From a Randomized Field Experiment

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Suggested citation: 

Boatright, Robert G., Donald P. Green and Michael J. Malbin (2006). Replication Materials for: ‘Does Publicizing a Tax Credit for Political Contributions Increase Its Use? Results From a Randomized Field Experiment.’ ISPS Data Archive.


Michael J. Malbin, Donald P. Green, Robert G. Boatright

Research design: 
Data type: 
Data source(s): 

Authors; Ohio Department of Taxation

Data source information: 


Field date: 
October 31, 2002
Field Date: 
2002-10-03 - 2003-01-28
Location details: 
United States - OH
Unit of observation: 
Zip codes
Sample size: 
9,909. 9,072 in the control group and 837 in the treatment group. The total number of voters who received the mailing was 3,392, with only three mailings returned to us.
Some of the zip codes in the treatment and control groups contained no registered voters. Because mailings were addressed to registered voters, these zip codes were irrelevant to our analysis.
Randomization procedure: 
A list of all nine-digit zip codes in Ohio was randomly assigned to three groups: treatment, control, and unused. We selected a list of 1,000 nine-digit zip codes for our treatment group. An additional list of 10,000 nine-digit zip codes was designated as a control group. The state’s remaining zip codes were outside both the treatment and control groups.
Three mailings in October 2002, and one in January 2003, reminding tax filers to claim credit if they had contributed. Each mailing was a professionally designed, three-color brochure that described the tax credit and explained which elections featured candidates who were eligible, without mentioning names (see the appendix for a sample mailing).
Treatment administration: 
Outcome measures: 
Tax filings
Archive date: 
Owner contact: 


Terms of use: 

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Area of study: 
Data file number Description File formatsort descending Size File url
D066F09 Metadata (DDI 3.2) .xml 144630 Download file
D066F02 Data file Excel.csv 822272 Download file
D066F05 Supplementary materials jpeg 599040 Download file
D066F06 Supplementary materials jpeg 485376 Download file
D066F04 Program file R 1024 Download file
D066F01 Data file Stata [11.00] .dta 600064 Download file
D066F03 Program file Stata[11.00].do 1024 Download file