Cognitive Biases and the Strength of Political Arguments

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Suggested citation: 

Arceneaux, Kevin (2012). Replication Materials for ‘Cognitive Biases and the Strength of Political Arguments,’ ISPS Data Archive.


Kevin Arceneaux

Research design: 
Data type: 
Data source(s): 


Data source information: 


Field date: 
May 1, 2006
Field Date: 
2006 - 2011
Location details: 
Study 1: United States - PA, Study 2: International
Unit of observation: 
Sample size: 
Study 1: 210, Study 2: 300
Study 1: Most of the subjects were students at Temple University, but a handful (n=10) was drawn from the broader community. Study 2: Mechanical Turk panel
Randomization procedure: 
Random Assignment
Study 1: Reading mock newspapers articles. Bias-congruent condition read a one-sided argument in support of the risky choice framed negatively, counterargument condition read a one-sided argument in support of the risk-averse choice, and it was framed more positively, competing arguments condition were presented with both arguments and saw both frames. (+control group)Study 2: A two-sided argument about a political controversy surrounding a proposal to ban high school students from forming gay-straight alliance clubs, where they confronted both a pro and anti argument that was framed either in terms of losses or gains. Emotion was manipulated by asking subjects to view a series of pictures under the pretext that they were to “provide a descriptive tag for each image,” which is a common task in the Mechanical Turk environment.
Treatment administration: 
Web delivered
Outcome measures: 
Study 1: Attitudes toward developing a new flu vaccine,Study 2: Support for banning gay-straight alliance clubs
Archive date: 
Owner contact: 


Terms of use: 

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Area of study: 
Data file number Description File formatsort descending Size File url
D079F05 Data file .csv 11323 Download file
D079F06 Data file .csv 17008 Download file
D079F07 Data file .csv 190 Download file
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D079F17 Output file .txt 30720 Download file
D079F19 Metadata (DDI 3.2) .xml 472232 Download file
D079F16 Program file - Figures R 3072 Download file
D079F15 Program file - Tables R 6144 Download file
D079F14 Program file - Figures Stata (12.0) .do 1024 Download file
D079F13 Program file - Tables Stata (12.0) .do 2048 Download file
D079F01 Dataset - Study 1 Stata (12.0) .dta 22528 Download file
D079F02 Dataset - Study 2 Stata (12.0) .dta 26624 Download file
D079F03 Dataset - Fig 2-3 Stata (12.0) .dta 1024 Download file
D079F04 Dataset - Fig 5-6 Stata (12.0) .dta 2048 Download file