Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation

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Suggested citation: 

Gerber, Alan S., Donald P. Green (2012). Replication Materials for ‘Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation.’ ISPS Data Archive.


Donald P. Green, Alan S. Gerber

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Field date: 
May 1, 2012
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Randomization procedure: 
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Area of study: 
Data file number Description File formatsort descending Size File url
D081F109 Ch12 p.411 Table 12.8 .csv 222 Download file
D081F078 Ch8 p.266, 269 Tables 8.4, 8.5; Ch8 p.286 Exercise 8.9 .csv 1623 Download file
D081F011 Ch3 p.69 Table 3.2 .csv 311 Download file
D081F102.1 Ch11 p.380 Exercise 11.8(b), 11.9 .csv 10012 Download file
D081F012 Ch3 p.74 Table 3.3 .csv 143 Download file
D081F079 Ch8 p.286 Exercise 8.9c .csv 4232 Download file
D081F052 Ch6 p.196 Table 6.4 .csv 1220 Download file
D081F021.1 Ch3 p.87 Exercise 3.5 .csv 77 Download file
D081F002 Ch2 p.23 Table 2.1 .csv 112 Download file
D081F076 Ch8 p.279 Table 8.8 .csv 236 Download file
D081F017 Ch3 p.82 Table 3.7 .csv 219 Download file
D081F015.1 Ch3 p.81 Table 3.6 .csv 198 Download file
D081F003 Ch2 p.31 Table 2.2 .csv 72 Download file
D081F032 Ch4 p.113 Figure 4.2 .csv 35311807 Download file
D081F070 Ch8 p.262 Table 8.3 .csv 247 Download file
D081F024.1 Ch3 p.90 Exercise 3.9 .csv 474 Download file
D081F041.1 Ch4 p.128 Exercise 4.9 .csv 7525758 Download file
D081F075 Ch8 p.278 Table 8.7 .csv 233 Download file
D081F083 Ch9 p.304 Table 9.1 .csv 93 Download file
D081F114.1 Ch13 p.445 Example 13.1 .csv 1345 Download file
D081F006 Ch3 p.53 Table 3.1 .csv 121 Download file
D081F084 Ch9 p.309 Table 9.2 .csv 185 Download file
D081F095 Ch11 p.362 In-Text Example .csv 32143 Download file
D081F039.1 Ch4 p.125, 126 Exercise 4.4, 4.5 .csv 700 Download file
D081F057 Ch7 p.217 Table 7.1 .csv 179 Download file
D081F080.1 Ch8 p.286 Exercise 8.10 .csv 606 Download file
D081F030 Ch4 p.113 Figure 4.2 .csv 35310886 Download file
D081F089.1 Ch9 p.316 Exercise 9.9 .csv 183629 Download file
D081F091.1 Ch10 p.340 Exercise 10.4 .csv 7665 Download file
D081F020 Ch3 p.84 InText Example (ACORN); Ch4 p.130 Exercise 4.10 .csv 482654 Download file
D081F033 Ch4 p.118 Table 4.2 .csv 1730 Download file
D081F023.4 Ch3 p.88 Exercies 3.8 .csv 578 Download file
D081F068 Ch8 p.254 Table 8.1 .csv 124 Download file
D081F099 Ch11 p.366 Figures 11.2, 11.3 .csv 198 Download file
D081F110.1 Ch12 p.421 Exercise 12.11 .csv 15715 Download file
D081F022 Ch3 p.65 Box 3.7 .csv 119 Download file
D081F014 Ch3 p.76 Table 3.4 .csv 139 Download file
D081F047.1 Ch5 p.170 Exercise 5.10 .csv 58051 Download file
D081F048 Ch6 p.176, 185 In-Text Example, Table 6.2 .csv 6022 Download file
D081F101 Ch11 p.373 Table 11.2 .csv 258 Download file
D081F056.1 Ch6 p.208 Exercise 6.10 .csv 14059 Download file
D081F025 Ch4 p.100 Table 4.1 .csv 689 Download file
D081F102 Ch11 p.374-5 Table 11.3; Ch11 p.380 Exercise 11.8(a) .csv 1224 Download file
D081F086.1 Ch9 p.314 Exercise 9.6 .csv 1348 Download file
D081F104 Ch12 p.388 Table 12.2 .csv 162 Download file
D081F040.1 Ch4 p.126 Exercise 4.6 .csv 15335 Download file
D081F105 Ch12 p.389 Table 12.3 .csv 126 Download file
D081F087.1 Ch9 p.315 Exercise 9.7 .csv 58466 Download file
D081F035 Ch4 p.100, 118 Tables 4.1, 4.2 .csv 3747 Download file
D081F106 Ch12 p.390 Table 12.4 .csv 130 Download file
D081F028 Ch4 p.101, 113 Figures 4.1, 4.2 .csv 24846308 Download file
D081F097 Ch11 p.363 In-Text Example .csv 115 Download file
D081F107 Ch12 p.391 Table 12.5 .csv 391 Download file
D081F113 Ch13 p.437-438 Boxes 13.1, 13.2 .csv 4709 Download file
D081F015 Ch3 p.78 Table 3.5 .csv 98 Download file
D081F051 Ch6 p.196 Table 6.4 .csv 908 Download file
D081F009 Ch3 p.68 Table 3.2, In-Text Example; Ch3 p.88 Exercise 3.6; Ch9 p.315 Exercise 9.8 .csv 16887 Download file
D081F045 Ch5 p.158-160 Boxes 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 .csv 2110085 Download file
D081F090 Ch10 p.326 Table 10.1 .csv 243 Download file
D081F074 Ch8 p.275 Table 8.6 .csv 52 Download file
D081F058 Ch7 p.223 Table 7.2 .csv 201 Download file
D081F049 Ch6 p.181 Table 6.1 .csv 331 Download file
D081F060 Ch7 p.230-2 Tables 7.4, 7.5; Ch7 p.245 Exercise 7.6 .csv 187240 Download file
D081F108 Ch12 p.401 Table 12.7 .csv 138 Download file
D081F037.1 Ch4 p.123 Exercise 4.2 .csv 256 Download file
D081F077 Ch8 p.280 Table 8.9 .csv 91 Download file
D081F066 Ch7 p.242 Table 7.7 .csv 110 Download file
D081F069 Ch8 p.262 Table 8.2 .csv 64 Download file
D081F092.1 Ch10 p.342 Exercise 10.9 .csv 7225749 Download file
D081F085 Ch9 p.308 Equation 9.19 .do 817 Download file
D081F054 Ch6 p.197 Table 6.5 .do 1106 Download file
D081F080 Ch8 p.286 Exercise 8.10 .dta 1994 Download file
D081F053 Ch6 p.196 Table 6.4 .dta 4001 Download file
D081F082 Ch9 p.295 Figure 9.1 .dta 13334 Download file
D081F091 Ch10 p.340 Exercise 10.4 .dta 4119 Download file
D081F086 Ch9 p.314 Exercise 9.6 .dta 2869 Download file
D081F019 Ch3 p.84 InText Example (ACORN); Ch4 p.130 Exercise 4.10 .dta 278731 Download file
D081F056 Ch6 p.208 Excercise 6.10 .dta 15090 Download file
D081F087 Ch9 p.315 Exercise 9.7 .dta 49612 Download file
D081F098 Ch11 p.366 Figures 11.2, 11.3 .dta 967 Download file
D081F021 Ch3 p.87 Exercise 3.5 .dta 830 Download file
D081F024 Ch3 p.90 Exercise 3.9 .dta 968 Download file
D081F089 Ch9 p.316 Exercise 9.9 .dta 735488 Download file
D081F110 Ch12 p.421 Exercise 12.11 .dta 38610 Download file
D081F027 Ch4 p.101, 113 Figures 4.1, 4.2 .dta 6003101 Download file
D081F039 Ch4 p.125, 126 Exercise 4.4, 4.5 .dta 1688 Download file
D081F040 Ch4 p.126 Exercise 4.6 .dta 15596 Download file
D081F041 Ch4 p.128 Exercise 4.9 .dta 3763772 Download file
D081F092 Ch10 p.342 Exercise 10.9 .dta 6539505 Download file
D081F043 Ch5 p.143 Table 5.1 .dta 226 Download file
D081F114 Ch13 p.445 Example 13.1 .dta 1258 Download file
D081F073 Ch8 p.266, 269 Tables 8.4, 8.5 .dta 4230 Download file
D081F046 Ch5 p.158-160 Boxes 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 .dta 1124193 Download file
D081F037 Ch4 p.123 Exercise 4.2 .dta 1016 Download file
D081F094 Ch11 p.362 In-Text Example .dta 32066 Download file
D081F047 Ch5 p.170 Exercise 5.10 .dta 31283 Download file
D081F036 Ch4 p.100, 118 Tables 4.1, 4.2 .dta 6438 Download file
D081F112 Ch13 p.437-438 Boxes 13.1, 13.2 .dta 4936 Download file
D081F055.2 Ch6 p.201 Footnote 19 .dta 747219 Download file
D081F059 Ch7 p.230-2 Tables 7.4, 7.5; Ch7 p.245 Exercise 7.6 .dta 136553 Download file
D081F096 Ch11 p.363 In-Text Example .dta 1028 Download file
D081F084.1 Ch9 p.307 In-text Example .dta 3931 Download file
D081F029 Ch4 p.113 Figure 4.2 .dta 8404295 Download file
D081F010 Ch3 p.68 Table 3.2, In-Text Example; Ch3 p.88 Exercise 3.6; Ch9 p.315 Exercise 9.8 .dta 12904 Download file
D081F031 Ch4 p.113 Figure 4.2 .dta 8404295 Download file
D081F023.3 Ch3 p.88 Exercies 3.8 .dta 2739 Download file
D081F081 Ch9 p.295 Figure 9.1 .R 2365 Download file
D081F005 Ch2 p.37 Randomization code .R 933 Download file
D081F034 Ch4 p.119 Figure 4.3 .R 1828 Download file
D081F007 Ch3 p.65 Box 3.7 .R 1486 Download file
D081F013 Ch3 p.75 Figure 3.1 .R 1717 Download file
D081F018 Ch3 p.84 InText Example (ACORN) .R 3138 Download file
D081F111 Ch13 p.437-438 Boxes 13.1, 13.2 .R 3060 Download file
D081F100 Ch11 p.369, 372 Figures 11.2, 11.3 .R 1404 Download file
D081F026 Ch4 p.101, 113 Figures 4.1, 4.2 .R 2029 Download file
D081F044 Ch5 p.158-160 Boxes 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 .R 1295 Download file
D081F120 Figure 4-3 resresplot .R 1651 Download file
D081F050 Ch6 p.186-188 Boxes 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 .R 765 Download file
D081F093 Ch11 p.355 Figure 11.1 .R 1122 Download file
D081F061 Ch7 p.232-3 Box 7.1, Table 7.5 .R 1792 Download file
D081F062 Ch7 p.239 Table 7.6 .R 8928 Download file
D081F071 Ch8 p.265, 268, 271 Figures 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 .R 16406 Download file
D081F063 Ch7 p.239 Table 7.6 .R 2667 Download file
D081F055 Ch6 p.199 Box 6.6 .R 405 Download file
D081F004 Ch2 p.37 Randomization code .Rdata 219 Download file
D081F118 Chapter 9 RI for multiple comparisons Adobe PDF 981 Download file
D081F116 Chapter 8 appendix — interference and noncompliance PDF 298015 Download file
D081F115 Chapter 7 appendix — statistical models PDF 245750 Download file
D081F119 Chapter 10 appendix — explanation of why regression is biased when disturbances covary PDF 285077 Download file
D081F121 Errata PDF 277809 Download file
D081F122 Chapter 13 appendix — planning documents family rewards (2008) PDF 427136 Download file
D081F117 Chapter 9 appendix — extreme value bounds for binary outcomes PDF 525725 Download file
D081F001 Ch2 p.23 Simulation Table 2.1 R 1488 Download file
D081F055.1 Ch6 p.201 Footnote 19 R 3334 Download file
D081F084.2 Ch9 p.307 In-text Example R 3839 Download file
D081F090.1 Ch10 p.339 Exercise 10.3 R 1471 Download file