Understanding the Party Brand: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Valence

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Suggested citation: 

Butler, Daniel M., Eleanor Neff Powell (2014). Replication Materials for, ‘Understanding the Party Brand: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Valence,’ http://hdl.handle.net/10079/5x69pnj. ISPS Data Archive.


Eleanor Neff Powell, Daniel Butler

Research design: 
Data type: 
Data source(s): 

Authors; Cooperative Congressional Election Study (2010 & 2011)

Data source information: 

isps(at)yale(dot)edu; https://cces.gov.harvard.edu/

Field date: 
October 1, 2010
Field Date: 
2010-10 - 2013-07
Location details: 
United States
Unit of observation: 
Sample size: 
1,925 (A); 793 (B); 1,579 (C); 139-159 (D)
Citizen samples (per CCES ) (A-C); Amazon Mechanical Turk subject recruitment via ad.State Legislators survey (D) survey was sent to all 7,000 state legislators via email in March 2012.
Randomization procedure: 
The different groups randomized to different vignettes.CCES (B, C): Respondents assigned, with equal probability, to one of the four treatment conditions.Amazon Mechanical Turk: (A): Vignettes were randomized in terms of which party controlled the legislature, and the information about the state and the party in control of the legislature.Legislators survey (D): The vignette signals, and randomly varies, how important passing the budget on time is for the party valence brand by reporting the results of a public opinion poll question. Respondents were randomly assigned to either see that 72% of voters answered yes (and 28% answered no) or see that only 18% of voters answered yes (and 82% answered no).
The studies of voters use treatments that include non-ideological information about a party's actions that affect the party valence brand, including good actions (such as passing the budget on time) and bad actions (such as being caught in a scandal), and vignettes with information about which party controls the legislature and information about the state and about the party in control of the legislature. The studies of state legislators use treatments that vary constituent support for the party and the likelihood that voters will punish voters for passing a budget on time.
Treatment administration: 
Web delivered
Outcome measures: 
Archive date: 
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Data file numbersort descending Description File format Size File url
D106F01 Data file - CCES10 Stata (13.0) .dta 122880 Download file
D106F02 Data file - CCES11 Stata (13.0) .dta 66560 Download file
D106F03 Data file - Survey Stata (13.0) .dta 39936 Download file
D106F04 Data file - mturk Stata (13.0) .dta 2383872 Download file
D106F05 Data file - CCES10 DAT 75776 Download file
D106F06 Data file - CCES11 DAT 32768 Download file
D106F07 Data file - Survey DAT 26624 Download file
D106F08 Data file - mturk DAT 491520 Download file
D106F13 Program file Stata (13.0) .do 9216 Download file
D106F14 Supplementary Materials Adobe Acrobat (XI Pro) .pdf 258543 Download file
D106F16 Metadata (DDI 3.2) .xml 675212 Download file