Trading Barriers: Immigration and the Remaking of Globalization

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Margaret E. Peters

Research design: 
Data type: 
Administrative; Cross-national
Data source(s): 

Authors; See codebook, Trading Barriers: Immigration and the Remaking of Globalization, Margaret E. Peters, Princeton University Press (link

Data source information: 


Field date: 
June 1, 2015
Field Date: 
Location details: 
Unit of observation: 
Geo: country
Sample size: 
All countries, see Appendix A for selection criteria
Randomization procedure: 
Treatment administration: 
Outcome measures: 
Immigration policy
Archive date: 
Owner contact: 


Terms of use: 
Data file number Description File formatsort ascending Size File url
D139F127 Metadata (DDI 3.2) .xml 9291840 Download file
D139F028 Supplementary materials: lob_indus .txt 12292017 Download file
D139F027 Supplementary materials: lob_bills .txt 36434214 Download file
D139F119 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_sic87_sic72_ind1950_earlytrade_concord .rtf 5883 Download file
D139F122 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_uniondata20002008 .rtf 869 Download file
D139F106 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_independent_vars_post_1945_v4 .rtf 2384 Download file
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D139F107 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_lobbying_weighted_bystate .rtf 988 Download file
D139F047 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_lobbying_datasets .rtf 4253 Download file
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D139F097 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_agri_census_1840_2007 .rtf 2840 Download file
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D139F039 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_ tariffs_by_earlytarsched_1900-1959 .rtf 11081 Download file
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D139F110 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_number_of_votes .rtf 749 Download file
D139F053 Supplementary materials: Readme_for_Ch5_AppendixC_sec3 .rtf 2975 Download file
D139F043 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_duties_by_sic87 .rtf 1081 Download file
D139F100 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_economic_variables_for_US_chapter .rtf 4231 Download file
D139F111 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_pandya_foruschapter .rtf 2223 Download file
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D139F104 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_forborn_by_state_and_ind1950 .rtf 1349 Download file
D139F004 Supplementary materials: Readme_for_Ch3_6_7_AppendixA_AppendixC_sec1 .rtf 1094 Download file
D139F109 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_mtwest_25_mtwest_75_north_25_north_75_south_25_south_75_west_25_west_75 .rtf 1144 Download file
D139F040 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_congressional_testimoney_raw_data .rtf 15665 Download file
D139F049 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_lwc5_72_107_sic_20110303 .rtf 3324 Download file
D139F002 Supplementary materials: Master_Read_Me .rtf 1192 Download file
D139F042 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_dirinvest_by_earlytarsched .rtf 11073 Download file
D139F118 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_sensumpre1945_oct2010 .rtf 1503 Download file
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D139F052 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_Trade_Press_Coding_Project_final .rtf 3672 Download file
D139F015 Supplementary materials: Codebook_ch3_6_7_append_A_Cpt1 .rtf 9158 Download file
D139F117 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_sensumpost1945_july2010 .rtf 1505 Download file
D139F102 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_employment .rtf 784 Download file
D139F016 Supplementary materials: Peters_Trading_Barriers_Readme_for_Ch4_AppendixC_sec2 .rtf 2742 Download file
D139F121 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_tariffs1875-1950 .rtf 2851 Download file
D139F044 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_duties_investment_productivity_trade_by_earlytarsched2 .rtf 13228 Download file
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D139F101 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_economic_variables_for_US_chapter_for_MI_july_1_2010_pre1950 .rtf 1925 Download file
D139F041 Supplementary materials: codebook_for_dictionary report_20120821-utf8 .rtf 785 Download file
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D139F009 Data: entryrestriction_restrictedcap_data .dta 3338 Download file
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D139F014 Data: entryrestriction_opencap_data_pred_fe .dta 10167 Download file
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D139F020 Data: Congressional_testimony_raw_data .dta 40017547 Download file
D139F034 Data: lwc5_72_107_sic_20110303 .dta 1623590 Download file
D139F066 Data: forborn_by_state_and_ind1950 .dta 10129237 Download file
D139F036 Data: sic87_sic72_ind1950_earlytrade_concord_2015 .dta 96950 Download file
D139F025 Data: immi_issues_os_coded .dta 3789574 Download file
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D139F086 Data: sic1987_tradable_ind1950_concordance .dta 23841 Download file
D139F083 Data: sensumpost1945_july2010 .dta 228977 Download file
D139F024 Data: duties_investment_productivity_trade_by_earlytarsched2 .dta 700779 Download file
D139F095 Data: xm_sic87_72_105_20120424 .dta 68268684 Download file
D139F035 Data: productivity_sic5809 .dta 3586723 Download file
D139F074 Data: north_25 .dta 2341 Download file
D139F058 Data: agri_census_1840_2007 .dta 327460 Download file
D139F089 Data: tariffs1875-1950 .dta 6873 Download file
D139F006 Data: crossnational_data_ch3_ch6_ch7_appendA .dta 1082760 Download file
D139F068 Data: icpsrcodes_extra years_19th_cen .dta 29400 Download file
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D139F013 Data: entryrestriction_opencap_data_pred .dta 10167 Download file
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D139F069 Data: independent_vars_post_1945_v4 .dta 1260241 Download file
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D139F032 Data: lobbying_by_industry .dta 143667 Download file
D139F070 Data: lobbying_weighted_bystate .dta 25835 Download file
D139F075 Data: north_75 .dta 2341 Download file
D139F067 Data: forborn19982006 .dta 21228 Download file
D139F031 Data: lobbying_by_earlytarsched .dta 35114 Download file
D139F061 Data: cotton_mechanical_picking .dta 3113 Download file
D139F038 Data: Trade_Press_Coding_Project_final .dta 211729 Download file
D139F010 Data: entryrestriction_restrictedcap_data_pred_fe .dta 10167 Download file
D139F081 Data: rollcall_data .dta 96539612 Download file
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D139F063 Data: economic_variables_for_US_chapter .dta 3652440 Download file
D139F092 Data: us_tariff_dtata .dta 15807 Download file
D139F017 Program: Replication_code_forCH4_AppendCp1_v2 .do 59553 Download file
D139F055 Program: Replication_Code_for_Peters_Ch5_create_post1945_dataset .do 21765 Download file
D139F056 Program: Replication_Code_for_Peters_Ch5_create_pre1945_dataset .do 12182 Download file
D139F003 Program: value_labels .do 432 Download file
D139F019 Program: Creating_the_Tariffs_Direct_Investment_and_Productivity_data_for_Congressional_Testimony .do 3591 Download file
D139F054 Program: Replication_Code_for_Peters_Ch5_AppendCp3_v2 .do 38542 Download file
D139F005 Program: Replication_Code_for_Peters_ch3_ch6_ch7_appendA_v3 .do 41684 Download file
D139F018 Program: Replication_put_together_lobbying_data_from_open_secrets .do 20511 Download file
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D139F076 Data: number_of_votes .csv 1834 Download file
D139F021 Data: dictionary report_20120821-utf8 .csv 22054 Download file
D139F026 Data: industry .csv 40234 Download file
D139F059 Data: Chinese_Immigration_placebo_for_graph .csv 769 Download file
D139F029 Data: lob_issues .csv 105900745 Download file