Suggested citation:
Alan Gerber, Greg Huber, and Al Fang (2020). Replication Materials for, ‘Do Subtle Linguistic Interventions Priming a Social Identity as a Voter Have Outsized Effects on Voter Turnout? Evidence from a New Replication Experiment,’ ISPS Data Archive.
Research design:
Data type:
Data source(s):
Data source information:
Field Date:
2015-10-31 - 2015-11-21
Location details:
Kentucky; Mississippi; Houston; Louisiana
Unit of observation:
Sample size:
Respondents recruited for the SSI sample were admitted into the experiment if their reported five-digit zip code for their place of residence is contained in a master set of zip codes associated with Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, or Houston; if they reported being registered to vote at the time of the survey; if they are at least 18 years old, which is derived from their reported birth year; and if they provided a valid first and last name. Respondents recruited for the YouGov sample were admitted into the experiment if they were identified by YouGov as a registered voter 18 years of age or older and if they reported living in a zip code contained in the master zip code list.
Randomization procedure:
Subjects are assigned to the noun condition or to the verb condition with equal probability using a simple random assignment procedure that each vendor implemented separately. Across both samples, 1,579 (51.3%) were assigned to the noun condition, and 1,499 (48.7%) were assigned to the verb condition. Because the randomization procedure occurred by vendor, we conduct a randomization check separately for each sample by regressing treatment assignment on a vector of pretreatment covariates and test the null hypothesis that these covariates are not jointly prognostic of treatment assignment. We fail to reject the null hypothesis for each sample and infer that the randomization procedures are valid.
Respondents admitted into the experiment as a subject are immediately randomly assigned to receive either a 10-item questionnaire using noun wording (“voter”) or a 10-item questionnaire using the verb wording that refers to the act of voting as a behavior (“voting/to vote”).
Treatment administration:
Web delivered
Outcome measures:
turnout in the 2015 general election
Archive date:
Terms of use:
ISPS Data Archive: Terms of Use.
Area of study: