
About Our Publications

On this page you will find a list of publications by ISPS Affiliates, including peer-reviewed journal articles, policy briefs, and working papers.

When possible, Publications are linked to Projects and Data via the ISPS KnowledgeBase.

Title Author(s) Disciplinesort ascending Publication Year
Of Stasis and Movements: Climate Legislation in the 111th Congress

Nathaniel Loewentheil

Law ISPS working paper 2013
Analysis of the Distribution of Phase 1 of the Federal Paycheck Protection Program

Benjamin Della Rocca and Nate Loewentheil

Law ISPS working paper 2020
Enhancing Academic Performance and Social and Emotional Competence With the RULER Feeling Words Curriculum

Marc A. Brackett, Susan E. Rivers, Maria R. Reyes, Peter Salovey

Psychology Learning and Individual Differences 2012
Toward an Understanding of Structural Racism: Implications for Criminal Justice

Julian M. Rucker and Jennifer A. Richeson

Psychology Science 2021
Bayesian Estimation and Model Selection in Group-Based Trajectory Models

Emma Zang and Justin T. Max

Psychology Psychological Methods 2020
Peer Pressure Against Prejudice: A High School Field Experiment Examining Social Network Change

Elizabeth Levy Paluck

Psychology Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 2010
Changing Environments by Changing Individuals: The Emergent Effects of Psychological Intervention

Joseph T. Powers, Jonathan E. Cook, Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Julio Garcia, Nancy Apfel, and Geoffrey L. Cohen

Psychology Psychological Science 2015
Race and State in City Police Spending Growth 1980 to 2010

Robert Vargas and Philip McHarris

Sociology Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 2016
Racial Profiling and Use of Force in Police Stops: How Local Events Trigger Periods of Increased Discrimination

Joscha Legewie

Sociology American Journal of Sociology 2016
The Interplay of Race/Ethnicity and Education in Fertility Patterns

Emma Zang, Chloe Sariego and Anirudh Krishnan

Sociology Population Studies 2022
Gender, Fear, and Public Places: How Negative Encounters with Strangers Harm Women
Sara Bastomski and Philip Smith
Sociology Sex Roles 2016
Municipal Police and the Economic Mobility Gap Between Black and White Males in the US

Manuel Schechtl and Rourke O’Brien

Sociology Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 2024
Legal Cynicism and Protective Gun Ownership Among Active Offenders in Chicago

Michael Sierra-Arévalo

Sociology Cogent Social Sciences 2016
Neighborhood Co-Offending Networks, Structural Embeddedness, and Violent Crime in Chicago

 Sara Bastomski, Noli Brazil, Andrew V. Papachristos

Sociology Social Networks 2017
Legal Cynicism and Protective Gun Ownership Among Active Offenders in Chicago

Michael Sierra-Arévalo

Sociology ISPS working paper 2014
Police Violence and Citizen Crime Reporting in the Black Community

Matthew Desmond, Andrew V. Papachristos and David S. Kirk

Sociology American Sociological Review 2016
Fiscal Impoverishment in Rich Democracies

Manuel Schechtl and Rourke L. O’Brien

Sociology Social Forces 2023
Network Exposure and Homicide Victimization in an African American Community

Andrew V. Papachristos and Christopher Wildeman

Sociology American Journal of Public Health 2013
The Mobilization of Title IX across U.S. Colleges and Universities, 1994-2014

Celene Reynolds

Sociology Social Problems 2018
Intergenerational Income Mobility Table Revisited: A Trajectory Group Perspective

Xi Song, Emma Zang, Kenneth C. Land, and Boyan Zheng

Sociology Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 2022

ISPS Working Paper Series

ISPS advances interdisciplinary research in the social sciences that aims to shape public policy and inform democratic deliberation. The ISPS network includes scholars and students from many departments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and from Yale’s graduate and professional schools as well as select experts from other institutions. The ISPS Working Paper Series provides a platform for ISPS affiliates to make their work available for public consumption and discussion.

ISPS Working Paper Series

Featured Books by ISPS Faculty

ISPS Sponsored Publications

ISPS Politics & Policy Book Series: A series striving to place policy- and law-making in historical and comparative perspective, reflecting the broad, multidisciplinary character of ISPS.

ISPS journals

ISPS Journal: A biannual publication that serves to highlight ISPS scholars’ publications and as a development piece for foundations and interested donors.

GOTV website: A website compiling results from a wide array of voter mobilization field experiments. Findings from these scientifically measured studies of various Get-Out-the-Vote methods offer valuable insight into which methods are most effective in mobilizing voter turnout (Note: the website indexes GOTV experiments published before 2006).

The Bulletin of Yale University includes several issues devoted to ISPS (PDF): 2000-2002, 2002-2004, 2004-2006, and 2006-2008.