CSI Conference: Agenda

image of columns on a courthouse facade with conference title and date

Hosted by the Yale Center for the Study of Inequality (CSI)
Co-Directors: Allison Harris and Dara Strolovitch

Yale University, Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS)
77 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT

THURSDAY, October 24, 2024

time activity
11:30 AM Lunch Available: ISPS Room A001, 77 Prospect Street
12:15-12:30 PM
Welcome and Opening Remarks: ISPS Room A002, 77 Prospect Street
  • Allison Harris & Dara Strolovitch,  CSI Co-Directors, Yale University
12:30-2:10 PM

PANEL 1: ISPS Room A002, 77 Prospect Street

Paper 1: “Race and Ethnicity (Mis)measurement in the U.S. Criminal Justice System”
Presenter: Michael Mueller-Smith, University of Michigan
Discussant: Gregory Huber, Yale University

Paper 2: “Due Process and Dehumanization: Racialized HR Violations in Mexican Prisons”
Presenter: Milena Ang, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Discussant: Isabel Laterzo-Tingley, University of Texas, Austin

Paper 3: “Demonstrating Discriminatory Legislative Intent”
Presenter: Kaneesha R. Johnson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Discussant: Mirya Holman, University of Houston

Paper 4: “Justice and Injustice on Trial: Legal Adjudication as Civic Education
Presenter: Benjamin Justice, Rutgers University
Discussant: Jeremy Levine, University of Michigan

2:10-2:30 PM Coffee Break, ISPS Room A001
2:30-3:30 PM

PANEL 2: Research Designs, ISPS Room A002

Paper 1: “Casting Votes, Seeking Justice: The Impact of Victim Attention on Participation”
Presenter: Benjamin Muñoz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Discussant: Michael Mueller-Smith, University of Michigan

Paper 2: “Police as Political Agents”
Presenter: Dvir Yogev, University of California, Berkeley
Discussant: Kelsey Shoub, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

3:30-3:50 PM Coffee Break, ISPS Room A001
  • Golnar Teimouri, Arnold Ventures (participating remotely)
  • Ariel White, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • James Wilson, Russell Sage Foundation

Moderator: Allison Harris, Yale University

4:50-5:45 PM Break
5:45-7:00 PM Emerging Scholars Poster Session & Cocktail Reception
Omni New Haven Hotel at Yale, 155 Temple Street in the College Room
7:00-9:30 PM

Conference Dinner: ZINC New Haven Restaurant
964 Chapel Street in the Garden Room


Held in the College Room at the OMNI New Haven Hotel at Yale, 155 Temple Street.

Megan Dias, University of Texas, Austin, with discussant Kaneesha Johnson, UNC Chapel Hill
“Immigrant Political Integration Policy Adoption and Outcomes in American Cities”
Jasmine English, Stanford University, with discussant Tracey Meares, Yale Law School
“Measuring Carceral Political Discussion and Its Political Consequences”
Jacob Harris, Cornell University, with discussant Dvir Yogev, University of California, Berkeley
“Prison Sentences Have No Discernible Effect on Turnout”
Elyse Hatch-Rivera, University of Texas, Austin, with discussant Leah Christiani, Hunter College
“The Geopolitics of Latinx Carcerality in the 100-Mile Border Zone”
Victor Hsu, University of Texas, Austin, with discussant Anna Gunderson, University of Texas, Austin
“Prosecutors and the Rule of Law”
Rebekah Jones, University of California, Berkeley, with discussant Dara Strolovitch, Yale University
“Lethal Violence and the Racialized Failure of the American State”
Miranda Sullivan, University of Texas, Austin, with discussant Allison Harris, Yale University
“Inequitable Immigration Court Assignments and their Consequences”
Allie Verilli, University of Texas, Austin, with discussant Elisha Cohen, New York University
“From Redlining to Revitalization: Police Responsiveness in Gentrifying Spaces”
Adee Weller, Emory University, with discussant Milena Ang, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
“Defending the Status Quo? How Reelection Shapes Criminal Collusion in Mexico”
Michael Zanger-Tishler, Harvard University, with discussant Kevin Morris, Brennan Center

FRIDAY, October 25, 2024

time activity
8:30 AM Light breakfast Available: ISPS Room A001, 77 Prospect Street
9:00-10:15 AM

PANEL 1: ISPS Room A002

Paper 1: “The People’s Movement: Demanding Police Accountability in Chicago”
Presenter: Elizabeth Jordie Davies, University of California, Irvine
Discussant: Lisa Miller, Rutgers University

Paper 2: “How Narratives of Events Motivate Participation: The Case of Police Violence”
Presenter: Leah Christiani, Hunter College
Discussant: Tyler Reny, Claremont Graduate University

Paper 3: “Can Deep Canvassing Promote Anti-Carceral Attitudes?”
Presenter: Kristen Brock-Petroshius, Stonybrook University
Discussant: Hannah Walker, University of Texas, Austin

10:15-10:45 AM Coffee Break, ISPS Room A001
10:45-12:00 PM

PANEL 2: ISPS Room A002

Paper 1: “Decomposing the Sources of Criminal Justice Attitudes in the United States”
Presenter: Gregory Huber, Yale University
Discussant: Allison Anoll, Vanderbilt University

Paper 2: “Felony Status and Political Identity”
Presenter: Robert Stewart, University of Maryland
Discussant: Frank Baumgartner, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Paper 3: “Descriptive Representation & Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence in Policing”
Presenter: Anna Gunderson, University of Texas, Austin
Discussant: Jen Wu, Binghamton University

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch, ISPS Room A001
1:00-2:15 PM

PANEL 3: ISPS Room A002

Paper 1: “Law Enforcement and Electoral Politics”
Presenter: Isabel Laterzo-Tingley, University of Texas, Austin
Discussant: Arvind Krishnamurthy, The Ohio State University

Paper 2: “Copaganda: The Entertainment Media Orgins of Policing Attitudes”
Presenter: Tyler Remy, Claremont Graduate University
Discussant: Mackenzie Israel-Trummel, William & Mary

Paper 3: “Race, Drugs, and Federalism: The Local Roots of Racial Mass Incarceration”
Presenter: Andrew McCall, Columbia University
Discussant: Benjamin Justice, Rutgers University

2:15-2:30 PM Thank You and Closing Remarks
2:30 PM Conference Adjourns


  • Allison P. Harris, Yale University
  • Hannah Walker, University of Texas, Austin
  • Ariel White, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)