ORBITA Conference Schedule

Preliminary Agenda



6:30-9:00 PM

Welcome Dinner for Presenters at The Study at Yale Hotel, 1157 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT

Drinks beginning at 6:30 and Dinner at 7:00 in The Study Penthouse

WEDNESDAY, MAY 30: ISPS Room A002, 77 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT


7:45-8:25 AM

Continental Breakfast Available in ISPS Room A001

8:25-8:30 AM

Welcoming Remarks by the Conference Organizers:

Alan Gerber, Yale University; and Eric Patashnik, Brown University

8:30-10:15 AM

Panel 1: “The ORBITA Study: Evidence base prior to the study, study design, findings, lingering questions”

  • Darrel Francis, Imperial College London
  • David Brown, Washington University
  • Rita Redberg, University of California, San Francisco
  • Alice Jacobs, Boston Medical Center

Discussant: Vikas Saini, Lown Institute

10:15-10:30 AM

Coffee Break, Room A001

10:30-11:45 AM

Panel 2: “Reactions to ORBITA”

  • William E. Boden, Boston University and VA
  • Jeptha Curtis, Yale University
  • Deneen Vojta, UnitedHealth Group

Discussant: Rita Redberg, University of California, San Francisco

11:45-12:45 PM

Panel 3: “ORBITA in Context: Understanding the de-adoption of medical treatments”

  • Shannon Brownlee, Lown Institute
  • Jonathan Skinner, Dartmouth College

Discussant: Mark Schlesinger, Yale University

12:45-1:45 PM Lunch, Room A001
1:45-2:45 PM

Panel 4: “Promoting the Uptake of Medical Evidence: Politics, professionalism, and policy levers”

  • Tom Allen, Former Member of Congress
  • Alan Gerber, Yale University, and Eric Patashnik, Brown University

Discussant: Zack Cooper, Yale University

2:45-3:45 PM

Roundtable Discussion

Facilitated by Alan Gerber, Yale University

3:45-4:45 PM

Wine & Cheese Reception, ISPS Common Room

A casual dinner will be planned for guests that are staying over a second night.