The Persuasive Effects of Direct Mail: A Regression Discontinuity Based Approach |
Gerber, Alan S., Daniel P. Kessler and Marc Meredith
Political Science |
Journal of Politics |
2011 |
Personality Traits and the Consumption of Political Information |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, David Doherty, Conor M. Dowling
Political Science |
American Politics Research |
2011 |
The Conscription of Wealth: Mass Warfare and the Demand for Progressive Taxation |
Kenneth Scheve, David Stasavage
Political Science |
International Organization |
2010 |
Peer Pressure Against Prejudice: A High School Field Experiment Examining Social Network Change |
Elizabeth Levy Paluck
Psychology |
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology |
2010 |
Standing on Shaky Ground: Americans' Experiences with Economic Insecurity |
Hacker, Jacob S., Philipp Rehm & Mark Schlesinger
Interdisciplinary |
2010 |
Spanish-Language Radio Advertisements and Latino Voter Turnout in the 2006 Congressional Elections: Field Experimental Evidence |
Costas Panagopoulos and Donald P. Green
Political Science |
Political Research Quarterly |
2010 |
Party Affiliation, Partisanship, and Political Beliefs: A Field Experiment |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Ebonya Washington
Political Science |
American Political Science Review |
2010 |
Monitoring Bureaucratic Compliance: Using Field Experiments to Improve Governance |
Daniel M. Butler
Political Science |
Public Sector Digest |
2010 |
A Cautionary Note on the Use of Matching to Estimate Causal Effects: An Empirical Example Comparing Matching Estimates to an Experimental Benchmark |
Kevin Arceneaux, Alan S. Gerber, and Donald P. Green
Political Science |
Sociological Methods & Research |
2010 |
Mediation Analysis Is Harder than It Looks |
John G. Bullock, Shang E. Ha
Political Science |
2010 |
Enough Already about ‘Black Box’ Experiments: Studying Mediation Is More Difficult than Most Scholars Suppose |
Donald P. Green, Shang E. Ha, John G. Bullock
Political Science |
Annals of the American Academy for Political and Social Science |
2010 |
Health-Care Reform, 2015 |
Jacob S. Hacker
Political Science |
Democracy Journal |
2010 |
A National Survey Reveals Public Skepticism About Research-Based Treatment Guidelines |
Alan S. Gerber, Eric M. Patashnik, David Doherty and Conor Dowling
Political Science |
Health Affairs |
2010 |
The Public Wants Information, Not Board Mandates, From Comparative Effectiveness Research |
Alan S. Gerber, Eric M. Patashnik, David Doherty and Conor Dowling
Political Science |
Health Affairs |
2010 |
Is Transparency an Effective Anti-Corruption Strategy? Evidence From a Field Experiment in India |
Leonid Peisakhin and Paul Pinto
Political Science |
Regulation and Governance |
2010 |
An Experiment Testing the Relative Effectiveness of Encouraging Voter Participation by Inducing Feelings of Pride or Shame |
Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green and Christopher W. Larimer
Political Science |
Political Behavior |
2010 |
Public Accountability and Political Participation: Effects of a Face-to-Face Feedback Intervention on Voter Turnout of Public Housing Residents |
Tiffany C. Davenport
Political Science |
Political Behavior |
2010 |
Affect, Social Pressure and Prosocial Motivation: Field Experimental Evidence of the Mobilizing Effects of Pride, Shame and Publicizing Voting Behavior |
Costas Panagopulos
Political Science |
Political Behavior |
2010 |
The Enduring Effects of Social Pressure: Tracking Campaign Experiments Over a Series of Elections |
Tiffany C. Davenport, Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green, Christopher W. Larimer, Christopher B. Mann and Costas Panagopoulos
Political Science |
Political Behavior |
2010 |
Introduction to Social Pressure and Voting: New Experimental Evidence |
Donald P. Green and Alan S. Gerber
Political Science |
Political Behavior |
2010 |