The Economic Security Index: A New Measure of the Economic Security of American Workers and Their Families (Technical Report) |
Jacob S. Hacker, Greg A. Huber, Philipp Rehm, Mark Schlesinger, Rob Valletta
Economics |
2010 |
Publication Bias in Two Political Behavior Literatures |
Alan S. Gerber, Neil Malhotra, Conor M. Dowling and David Doherty
Political Science |
American Politics Research |
2010 |
The Benefits of Experimental Methods for the Study of Campaign Effects |
Arceneaux, Kevin
Political Science |
Political Communication |
2010 |
Experimenting in Democracy Promotion: International Observers and the 2004 Presidential Elections in Indonesia. |
Hyde, Susan D.
Political Science |
Perspectives on Politics |
2010 |
Winner-Take-All Politics: Public Policy, Political Organization, and the Precipitous Rise of Top Incomes in the United States |
Hacker, Jacob S. and Paul Pierson
Political Science |
Politics & Society |
2010 |
Winner-Take-All Politics and Political Science: A Response |
Hacker, Jacob S. and Paul Pierson
Political Science |
Politics & Society |
2010 |
Randomness Reconsidered: Modeling Random Judicial Assignment in the U.S. Courts of Appeals |
Matthew Hall
Political Science |
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies |
2010 |
Using Random Judge Assignments to Estimate the Effects of Incarceration and Probation on Recidivism Among Drug Offenders |
Donald P. Green, Daniel Winik
Political Science |
Criminology |
2010 |
Yes, But What’s the Mechanism? (Don’t Expect an Easy Answer) |
John G. Bullock, Donald P. Green, Shang E. Ha
Political Science |
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
2010 |
The First of the Month Effect: Consumer Behavior and Store Responses |
Justine Hastings and Ebonya Washington
Economics |
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy |
2010 |
Baseline, Placebo, and Treatment: Efficient Estimation for Three-Group Experiments |
Gerber, Alan S., Donald P. Green, Edward H. Kaplan and Holger L. Kern
Political Science |
Political Analysis |
2010 |
The Consequences of Child Soldiering |
Christopher Blattman and Jeannie Annan
Economics |
Review of Economics and Statistics |
2010 |
Are Coethnics More Effective Counterinsurgents? Evidence from the Second Chechen War |
Jason Lyall
Political Science |
American Political Science Review |
2010 |
Personality and Political Attitudes: Relationships across Issue Domains and Political Contexts |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, David Doherty, Conor M. Dowling, and Shang E. Ha
Political Science |
American Political Science Review |
2010 |
International Scrutiny and Pre-Electoral Fiscal Manipulation in Developing Countries |
Hyde, Susan D., Angela O’Mahony
Political Science |
Journal of Politics |
2010 |
Problem Solving in a Polarized Age: Comparative Effectiveness Research and the Politicization of Evidence-Based Medicine |
Alan S. Gerber and Eric M. Patashnik
Political Science |
Forum |
2010 |
Cross-cutting Cleavages and Ethnic Voting: An Experimental Study of Cuisinage in Mali |
Thad Dunning, Lauren Harrison
Political Science |
American Political Science Review |
2010 |
Were Newspapers More Interested in pro-Obama Letters to the Editor in 2008? Evidence from a Field Experiment |
Daniel M. Butler, Emily Schofield
Political Science |
American Politics Research |
2010 |
The Future of Field Experiments in International Relations |
Susan D. Hyde
Political Science |
Annals of the American Academy for Political and Social Science |
2010 |
The Impact of Electoral Debate on Public Opinions: An Experimental Investigation of the 2005 New York City Mayoral Election |
Sendhil Mullainathan, Ebonya Washington and Julia R. Azari
Political Science |
2010 |