Title | Author(s) | Discipline | Publication |
Year![]() |
Partisan Bias and the Bayesian Ideal in the Study of Public Opinion |
John G. Bullock |
Political Science | Journal of Politics | 2009 |
A Regression Discontinuity Design Analysis of the Incumbency Advantage and Tenure in the U.S. House. |
Daniel M. Butler |
Political Science | Electoral Studies | 2009 |
Get-Out-The-Vote Phone Calls: Does Quality Matter? |
Shang E. Ha, Dean S. Karlan |
Political Science | American Politics Research | 2009 |
Partisanship and Economic Behavior: Do Partisan Differences in Economic Forecasts Predict Real Economic Behavior? |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber |
Political Science | American Journal of Political Science | 2009 |
From Violence to Voting: War and Political Participation in Uganda |
Christopher Blattman |
Political Science | American Journal of Political Science | 2009 |
Field Experiments on Political and Collective Action |
Eline A. De Rooij, Donald P. Green, Alan S. Gerber |
Political Science | Annual Review of Political Science | 2009 |
Irregular Transparency? An Experiment Involving Mexico's Freedom of Information Law |
Paul Lagunes |
Political Science | ISPS working paper | 2009 |
Institutions, Partisanship, and Inequality in the Long Run |
Kenneth Scheve, David Stasavage |
Political Science | World Politics | 2009 |
Partisan and Nonpartisan Message Content and Voter Mobilization: Field Experimental Evidence |
Costas Panagopoulos |
Political Science | Political Research Quarterly | 2009 |
Experimental Justice: Random Judicial Assignment and the Partisan Process of Supreme Court Review |
Matthew Hall |
Interdisciplinary | American Politics Research | 2009 |
Who Is Mobilized to Vote? A Re-Analysis of 11 Field Experiments |
Kevin Arceneaux, David W. Nickerson |
Political Science | American Journal of Political Science | 2009 |
Do Congressional Candidates Have Reverse Coattails? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design |
David E. Broockman |
Political Science | Political Analysis | 2009 |
Segregation and Black Political Efficacy |
Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat, Ebonya Washington |
Interdisciplinary | Journal of Public Economics | 2009 |
Sticking with Your Vote: Cognitive Dissonance and Political Attitudes. |
Sendhil Mullainathan, Ebonya Washington |
Interdisciplinary | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | 2009 |
Finding Missing Markets (and a Disturbing Epilogue): Evidence from an Export Crop Adoption and Marketing Intervention in Kenya. |
Nava Ashraf, Xavier Gine, Dean Karlan |
Economics | Journal of Agricultural Economics | 2009 |
Trust and Social Collateral |
Dean Karlan, Markus Mobius, Tanya Rosenblat, Adam Szeidl |
Economics | Quarterly Journal of Economics | 2009 |
Does the Media Matter? A Field Experiment Measuring the Effect of Newspapers on Voting Behavior and Political Opinions |
Alan S. Gerber, Dean Karlan, Daniel Bergan |
Interdisciplinary | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | 2009 |
Female Empowerment: Impact of a Commitment Savings Product in the Philippines. |
Nava Ashraf, Dean Karlan, Wesley Yin |
Economics | World Development | 2009 |
Participation in a School Incentive Program in India. |
Dean Karlan, Sharon Barnhardt, Stuti Khemani |
Economics | Journal of Development Studies | 2009 |
Sticking with Your Vote: Cognitive Dissonance and Political Attitudes |
Sendhil Mullainathan, Ebonya Washington |
Political Science | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | 2009 |