
About Our Publications

On this page you will find a list of publications by ISPS Affiliates, including peer-reviewed journal articles, policy briefs, and working papers.

When possible, Publications are linked to Projects and Data via the ISPS KnowledgeBase.

Title Author(s) Discipline Publicationsort ascending Year
Lying About Borrowing

Dean Karlan, Jonathan Zinman

Economics Journal of the European Economic Association 2008
When Curiosity Kills the Profits: An Experimental Examination

Julian Jamison, Dean Karlan

Economics Games and Economic Behavior 2008
Finding Missing Markets (and a Disturbing Epilogue): Evidence from an Export Crop Adoption and Marketing Intervention in Kenya.

Nava Ashraf, Xavier Gine, Dean Karlan

Economics Journal of Agricultural Economics 2009
Observing Unobservables: Identifying Information Asymmetries with a Consumer Credit Field Experiment.

Dean Karlan, Jonathan Zinman

Economics Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy 2010
Deposit Collectors

Nava Ashraf, Dean Karlan, Wesley Yin

Economics Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy 2006
Social Connections and Group Banking

Dean Karlan

Economics Economic Journal 2007
Social and Economic Correlates of Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Stress in South African Adults.

Hamad, Lia Fernald, Dean Karlan, Jonathan Zinman

Economics Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2008
Expanding Credit Access: Using Randomized Supply Decisions to Estimate the Impacts in Manila

Dean Karlan, Jonathan Zinman

Economics Review of Financial Studies 2009
To Deceive or Not To Deceive: The Effect of Deception on Behavior in Future Laboratory Experiments

Julian Jamison, Dean Karlan, Laura Schechter

Interdisciplinary Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2008
Small Individual Loans and Mental Health: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among South African Adults

Lia C.H. Fernald, Rita Hamad, Dean Karlan, Emily J. Ozer, Jonathan Zinman

Interdisciplinary BMC Public Health 2008
Participation in a School Incentive Program in India.

Dean Karlan, Sharon Barnhardt, Stuti Khemani

Economics Journal of Development Studies 2009
Female Empowerment: Impact of a Commitment Savings Product in the Philippines.

Nava Ashraf, Dean Karlan, Wesley Yin

Economics World Development 2009
Adaptive Experimental Design using the Propensity Score

Dean Karlan, Jinyong Hahn, Keisuke Hirano

Interdisciplinary Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 2010
Does the Media Matter? A Field Experiment Measuring the Effect of Newspapers on Voting Behavior and Political Opinions

Alan S. Gerber, Dean Karlan, Daniel Bergan

Interdisciplinary American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2009
Sticking with Your Vote: Cognitive Dissonance and Political Attitudes.

Sendhil Mullainathan, Ebonya Washington

Interdisciplinary American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2009
Sticking with Your Vote: Cognitive Dissonance and Political Attitudes

Sendhil Mullainathan, Ebonya Washington

Political Science American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2009
Market Power, Vertical Integration and the Wholesale Price of Gasoline

Justine S. Hastings, Richard J. Gilbert

Economics Journal of Industrial Economics 2005
Social Media, News Consumption, and Polarization: Evidence from a Field Experiment

Ro’ee Levy

Economics American Economic Review 2021
Observational Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment

Hongbin Cai, Yuyu Chen, Hanming Fang

Economics American Economic Review 2009
Gender, Performance and Preferences: Do Girls and Boys Respond Differently to School Environment? Evidence from School Assignment by Randomized Lottery

Justine S. Hastings, Thomas J. Kane, Douglas O. Staiger

Economics American Economic Review 2006

ISPS Working Paper Series

ISPS advances interdisciplinary research in the social sciences that aims to shape public policy and inform democratic deliberation. The ISPS network includes scholars and students from many departments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and from Yale’s graduate and professional schools as well as select experts from other institutions. The ISPS Working Paper Series provides a platform for ISPS affiliates to make their work available for public consumption and discussion.

ISPS Working Paper Series

Featured Books by ISPS Faculty

ISPS Sponsored Publications

ISPS Politics & Policy Book Series: A series striving to place policy- and law-making in historical and comparative perspective, reflecting the broad, multidisciplinary character of ISPS.

ISPS journals

ISPS Journal: A biannual publication that serves to highlight ISPS scholars’ publications and as a development piece for foundations and interested donors.

GOTV website: A website compiling results from a wide array of voter mobilization field experiments. Findings from these scientifically measured studies of various Get-Out-the-Vote methods offer valuable insight into which methods are most effective in mobilizing voter turnout (Note: the website indexes GOTV experiments published before 2006).

The Bulletin of Yale University includes several issues devoted to ISPS (PDF): 2000-2002, 2002-2004, 2004-2006, and 2006-2008.