About Our Publications
On this page you will find a list of publications by ISPS Affiliates, including peer-reviewed journal articles, policy briefs, and working papers.
When possible, Publications are linked to Projects and Data via the ISPS KnowledgeBase.
Title | Author(s) |
Discipline![]() |
Publication | Year |
Nongovernmental Campaign Communication Providing Ballot Secrecy Assurances Increases Turnout: Results From Two Large-Scale Experiments |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Albert H. Fang and Andrew Gooch |
Political Science | Political Science Research and Methods | 2017 |
Experimental Research on Democracy and Development |
Ana L. De La O, Leonard Wantchekon |
Political Science | 2010 | |
Personal Income and Attitudes toward Redistribution: A Study of Lottery Winners |
Daniel J. Doherty, Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green |
Political Science | Political Psychology | 2006 |
Work Requirements and Perceived Deservingness of Medicaid |
Jennifer Wu |
Political Science | American Politics Research | 2020 |
Ballot Secrecy Concerns and Voter Mobilization: New Experimental Evidence About Message Source, Context, and the Duration of Mobilization Effects |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, David J. Hendry |
Political Science | American Politics Research | 2014 |
Generalizing from Survey Experiments Conducted on Mechanical Turk: A Replication Approach |
Alexander E. Coppock |
Political Science | Political Science Research and Methods | 2018 |
Personality and the Strength and Direction of Partisan Identification |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, David Doherty and Conor M. Dowling |
Political Science | Political Behavior | 2012 |
Democracy's Devout Defenders |
Kate Baldwin |
Political Science | Journal of Democracy | 2023 |
Baseline, Placebo, and Treatment: Efficient Estimation for Three-Group Experiments |
Gerber, Alan S., Donald P. Green, Edward H. Kaplan and Holger L. Kern |
Political Science | Political Analysis | 2010 |
The Effect of the Size of Voting Blocs on Incumbents' Roll-Call Voting and the Asymmetric Polarization of Congress |
Daniel M. Butler |
Political Science | American Bahavioral Scientist | 2009 |
Not by Turnout Alone: Measuring the Sources of Electoral Change, 2012 to 2016 |
Seth J. Hill, Daniel J. Hopkins, and Gregory A. Huber |
Political Science | Science Advances | 2021 |
Do Bilinguals Respond More Favorably to Candidate Advertisements in English or in Spanish? |
Alejandro Flores and Alexander Coppock |
Political Science | Political Communication | 2018 |
Voter Attitudes When Democracy Promotion Turns Partisan: Evidence From a Survey-Experiment in Lebanon |
Nikolay Marinov |
Political Science | Democratization | 2012 |
Bridging the Blue Divide: The Democrats’ New Metro Coalition and the Unexpected Prominence of Redistribution |
Jacob Hacker, Amelia Malpas, Paul Pierson, and Sam Zacher |
Political Science | Perspectives on Politics | 2023 |
Average Treatment Effects in the Presence of Unknown Interference |
Fredrik Sävje, P.M. Aronow, Michael G. Hudgens |
Political Science | Annals of Statistics | 2021 |
Robert A. Dahl: Questions, Concepts, Proving it |
David R. Mayhew |
Political Science | Journal of Political Power | 2015 |
Equal Votes, Equal Money: Court-Ordered Redistricting and Public Expenditures in the American States |
Stephen Ansolabehere, Alan Gerber and James Snyder |
Political Science | American Political Science Review | 2002 |
Who Wants to Discuss Vote Choices with Others? Polarization in Preferences for Deliberation |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, David Doherty, Conor M. Dowling and Seth J. Hill |
Political Science | Public Opinion Quarterly | 2013 |
Selective Exposure and Electoral Competition |
Avidit Acharya, Peter Buisseret, Adam Meirowitz, and Floyd Zhang |
Political Science | Journal of Politics | 2024 |
Judicial Review as a Response to Political Posturing |
Justin Fox and Matthew C. Stephenson |
Political Science | American Political Science Review | 2011 |
ISPS Working Paper Series
ISPS advances interdisciplinary research in the social sciences that aims to shape public policy and inform democratic deliberation. The ISPS network includes scholars and students from many departments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and from Yale’s graduate and professional schools as well as select experts from other institutions. The ISPS Working Paper Series provides a platform for ISPS affiliates to make their work available for public consumption and discussion.
Featured Books by ISPS Faculty
ISPS Sponsored Publications
ISPS Politics & Policy Book Series: A series striving to place policy- and law-making in historical and comparative perspective, reflecting the broad, multidisciplinary character of ISPS.
ISPS Journal: A biannual publication that serves to highlight ISPS scholars’ publications and as a development piece for foundations and interested donors.
GOTV website: A website compiling results from a wide array of voter mobilization field experiments. Findings from these scientifically measured studies of various Get-Out-the-Vote methods offer valuable insight into which methods are most effective in mobilizing voter turnout (Note: the website indexes GOTV experiments published before 2006).
The Bulletin of Yale University includes several issues devoted to ISPS (PDF): 2000-2002, 2002-2004, 2004-2006, and 2006-2008.