The Small Effects of Political Advertising are Small Regardless of Context, Message, Sender, or Receiver: Evidence From 59 Real-time Randomized Experiments |
Alexander Coppock, Seth J. Hill, and Lynn Vavreck
Political Science |
Science Advances |
2020 |
When to Worry about Sensitivity Bias: A Social Reference Theory and Evidence from 30 Years of List Experiments |
Graeme Blair, Alexander Coppock, and Margaret Moor
Political Science |
American Political Science Review |
2020 |
How Partisanship Influences What Congress Says Online and How They Say It |
Richard T. Wang and Patrick D. Tucker
Political Science |
American Politics Research |
2020 |
When Does Increasing Mobilization Effort Increase Turnout? Evidence from a Field Experiment on Reminder Calls |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Albert H. Fang, and Catlan E. Reardon
Political Science |
American Politics Research |
2020 |
Perceptions of Program Abuse and Support for Social Insurance |
Scott E. Bokemper, Albert H. Fang, and Gregory A. Huber
Political Science |
American Politics Research |
2020 |
Helping Friends or Influencing Foes: Electoral and Policy Effects of Campaign Finance Contributions |
Keith E. Schnakenberg and Ian R. Turner
Political Science |
American Journal of Political Science |
2020 |
The Adaptability Paradox: Constitutional Resilience and Principles of Good Government in Twenty-First-Century America |
Steven Skowronek and Karen Orren
Political Science |
Perspectives on Politics |
2020 |
The Political Effects of Policy Drift: Policy Stalemate and American Political Development |
Daniel J. Galvin and Jacob S. Hacker
Political Science |
Studies in American Political Development |
2020 |
Changes in Candidate Evaluations over the Campaign Season: A Comparison of House, Senate, and Presidential Races |
Patrick D. Tucker and Steven S. Smith
Political Science |
Political Behavior |
2020 |
Scientists’ Political Behaviors are not Driven by Individual-level Government Benefits |
Baobao Zhang & Matto Mildenberger
Political Science |
2020 |
Analysis of the Distribution of Phase 1 of the Federal Paycheck Protection Program |
Benjamin Della Rocca and Nate Loewentheil
Law |
ISPS working paper |
2020 |
How Issue Positions Affect Candidate Performance: Experiments Comparing Campaign Donors and the Mass Public |
Andrew Gooch and Gregory A. Huber
Political Science |
Political Behavior |
2020 |
Democracy in America? Partisanship, Polarization, and the Robustness of Support for Democracy in the United States |
Matthew Graham & Milan Svolik
Political Science |
American Political Science Review |
2020 |
Does Trust in Government Increase Support for Redistribution? Evidence from Randomized Survey Experiments |
Kyle Peyton
Political Science |
American Political Science Review |
2020 |
Policy Durability, Agency Capacity, and Executive Unilateralism |
Ian R. Turner
Political Science |
Presidential Studies Quarterly |
2020 |
Withdrawing and Drawing In: Political Discourse in Policed Communities |
Vesla Weaver, Gwen Prowse, and Spencer Piston
Political Science |
Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics |
2020 |
The Desire for Social Status and Economic Conservatism among Affluent Americans |
Adam Thal
Political Science |
American Political Science Review |
2020 |
Reducing Exclusionary Attitudes Through Interpersonal Conversation: Evidence From Three Field Experiments |
Joshua L. Kalla and David E. Broockman
Political Science |
American Political Science Review |
2020 |
The Policy Basis of Measured Partisan Animosity in the United States |
Lilla V. Orr and Gregory A. Huber
Political Science |
American Journal of Political Science |
2020 |
Out-Of-Network Billing And Negotiated Payments For Hospital-Based Physicians |
Zack Cooper, Hao Nguyen, Nathan Shekita, and Fiona Scott Morton
Economics |
Health Affairs |
2019 |