
Title Author(s) Discipline Publication Yearsort ascending
Empirical Explanation in Political Science: The Case of Interest Groups

Joseph LaPalombara

Political Science Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche 2017
Do Subtle Linguistic Interventions Priming a Social Identity as a Voter Have Outsized Effects on Voter Turnout? Evidence From a New Replication Experiment

Alan Gerber, Greg Huber, and Al Fang

Political Science Political Psychology 2017
Are Voting Norms Conditional? How Electoral Context and Peer Behavior Shape the Social Returns to Voting
David Doherty, Conor M. Dowling, Alan S. Gerber, and Gregory A. Huber
Political Science Journal of Politics 2017
Did Shy Trump Supporters Bias the 2016 Polls? Evidence from a Nationally-representative List Experiment

Alexander Coppock

Political Science Statistics, Politics, and Policy 2017
Candidate Choice Without Party Labels: New Insights from Conjoint Survey Experiments

Patricia A. Kirkland and Alexander Coppock

Political Science Political Behavior 2017
Nongovernmental Campaign Communication Providing Ballot Secrecy Assurances Increases Turnout: Results From Two Large-Scale Experiments

Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Albert H. Fang and Andrew Gooch

Political Science Political Science Research and Methods 2017
A Framework for Testing Elaborate Theories

Devin Caughey, Allan Dafoe, and Jason Seawright

Political Science Journal of Politics 2017
Much Ado About Nothing: RDD and the Incumbency Advantage

Robert Erikson and Kelly Rader

Political Science Political Analysis 2017
Representativeness and Motivations of the Contemporary Donorate: Results from Merged Survey and Administrative Records

Seth J. Hill and Gregory A. Huber

Political Science Political Behavior 2017
Can Political Participation Prevent Crime? Results from a Field Experiment About Citizenship, Participation, and Criminality

Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, David J. Hendry

Political Science Political Behavior 2017
The Federal Spending Paradox: Economic Self-Interest and Symbolic Racism in Contemporary Fiscal Politics

Katherine Krimmel and Kelly Rader

Political Science American Politics Research 2017
Economic Behavior and the Partisan Perceptual Screen

Mary C. McGrath

Political Science Quarterly Journal of Political Science 2017
Treating, Fast and Slow: Americans’ Understanding of and Responses to Low-Value Care

Mark Schlesinger and Rachel Grob

Public Health The Milbank Quarterly 2017
Police Are Our Government: Politics, Political Science, and the Policing of Race-Class Subjugated Communities

Joe Soss and Vesla Weaver

Political Science Annual Review of Political Science 2017
Combining Double Sampling and Bounds to Address Nonignorable Missing Outcomes in Randomized Experiments

Alexander Coppock, Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green, Holger L. Kern

Political Science Political Analysis 2017
Neighborhood Co-Offending Networks, Structural Embeddedness, and Violent Crime in Chicago

 Sara Bastomski, Noli Brazil, Andrew V. Papachristos

Sociology Social Networks 2017
Trajectories of Relapse in Randomised, Placebo-Controlled Trials of Treatment Discontinuation in Major Depressive Disorder: An Individual Patient-Level Data Meta-Analysis

Ralitza Gueorguieva, Adam M. Chekroud, John H. Krystal

Medicine The Lancet 2017
Learning in the Judicial Hierarchy

Deborah Beim

Political Science Journal of Politics 2017
Can Civilian Attitudes Predict Insurgent Violence? Ideology and Insurgent Tactical Choice in Civil War

Kentaro Hirose, Kosuke Imai and Jason Lyall

Political Science Journal of Peace Research 2017
The Generalizability of Social Pressure Effects on Turnout Across High-Salience Electoral Contexts

Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Albert H. Fang, Andrew Gooch

Political Science American Politics Research 2017