Title | Author(s) | Discipline | Publication |
Year![]() |
Modeling Contagion Through Social Networks to Explain and Predict Gunshot Violence in Chicago, 2006 to 2014 |
Green Ben, Thibaut Horel, Andrew V. Papachristos |
Interdisciplinary | JAMA Internal Medicine | 2017 |
The Majority-Minority Divide in Attitudes toward Internal Migration: Evidence from Mumbai |
Nikhar Gaikwad and Gareth Nellis |
Political Science | American Journal of Political Science | 2016 |
Political Homophily in Social Relationships: Evidence from Online Dating Behavior |
Gregory A. Huber and Neil Malhotra |
Political Science | Journal of Politics | 2016 |
Out-of-Network Emergency-Physician Bills: An Unwelcome Surprise |
Zack Cooper and Fiona Scott Morton |
Interdisciplinary | New England Journal of Medicine | 2016 |
Reply to Bryan et al.: Variation in Context Unlikely Explanation of Nonrobustness of Noun Versus Verb Results |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2016 | |
Stronger Policy, Stronger Politics |
Jacob S. Hacker |
Political Science | American Prospect Magazine | 2016 |
Voter Mobilization, Experimentation, and Translational Social Science |
Donald P. Green and Alan S. Gerber |
Political Science | Perspectives on Politics | 2016 |
America’s Welfare Parastate |
Jacob S. Hacker |
Political Science | Perspectives on Politics | 2016 |
Democratic and Republican Physicians Provide Different Care on Politicized Health Issues |
Eitan D. Hersh and Matthew N. Goldenberg |
Interdisciplinary | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2016 |
Police Violence and Citizen Crime Reporting in the Black Community |
Matthew Desmond, Andrew V. Papachristos and David S. Kirk |
Sociology | American Sociological Review | 2016 |
Recruitment and Perceptions of Gender Bias in Party Leader Support |
Daniel M. Butler and Jessica Robinson Preece |
Political Science | Political Research Quarterly | 2016 |
Racial Profiling and Use of Force in Police Stops: How Local Events Trigger Periods of Increased Discrimination |
Joscha Legewie |
Sociology | American Journal of Sociology | 2016 |
Learning from Ferguson Welfare, Criminal Justice, and the Political Science of Race and Class |
Joe Soss and Vesla Weaver |
Political Science | 2016 | |
Race and State in City Police Spending Growth 1980 to 2010 |
Robert Vargas and Philip McHarris |
Sociology | Sociology of Race and Ethnicity | 2016 |
Legal Cynicism and Protective Gun Ownership Among Active Offenders in Chicago |
Michael Sierra-Arévalo |
Sociology | Cogent Social Sciences | 2016 |
Ideologically Extreme Candidates in U.S. Presidential Elections, 1948–2012 |
Marty Cohen, Mary C. McGrath, Peter M. Aronow, John Zaller |
Political Science | Annals of the American Academy for Political and Social Science | 2016 |
Does Church Attendance Cause People to Vote? Using Blue Laws’ Repeal to Estimate the Effect of Religiosity on Voter Turnout |
Alan S. Gerber, Jonathan Gruber and Daniel M. Hungerman |
Political Science | British Journal of Political Science | 2016 |
How Face-to-Face Interviews and Cognitive Skill Affect Item Non-Response: A Randomized Experiment Assigning Mode of Interview |
Andrew Gooch and Lynn Vavreck |
Political Science | Political Science Research and Methods | 2016 |
Gender, Fear, and Public Places: How Negative Encounters with Strangers Harm Women |
Sara Bastomski and Philip Smith
Sociology | Sex Roles | 2016 |
A Field Experiment Shows That Subtle Linguistic Cues Might Not Affect Voter Behavior |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry |
Political Science | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2016 |