From Cell Phones to Conflict? Reflections on the Emerging ICT-Political Conflict Research Agenda |
Allan Dafoe and Jason Lyall
Political Science |
Journal of Peace Research |
2015 |
Who Makes Voting Convenient? Explaining the Adoption of Early and No-Excuse Absentee Voting in the American States |
Daniel R. Biggers and Michael J. Hanmer
Political Science |
State Politics & Policy Quarterly |
2015 |
Open Trade, Closed Borders Immigration in the Era of Globalization |
Margaret E. Peters
Political Science |
World Politics |
2015 |
Does Corruption Information Inspire the Fight or Quash the Hope? A Field Experiment in Mexico on Voter Turnout, Choice, and Party Identification |
Alberto Chong, Ana L. De La O and Dean Karlan, Leonard Wantchekon
Political Science |
Journal of Politics |
2015 |
Can Incarcerated Felons Be (Re)integrated into the Political System? Results from a Field Experiment |
Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Marc Meredith, Daniel R. Biggers and David J. Hendry
Political Science |
American Journal of Political Science |
2014 |
National Service and Civic Engagement: A Natural Experiment |
Ryan J.B. Garcia
Political Science |
Political Behavior |
2014 |
Black Citizenship and Summary Punishment: A Brief History to the Present |
Vesla M. Weaver
Political Science |
Theory & Event |
2014 |
Institutional Sources of Legitimate Authority: An Experimental Investigation |
Eric S. Dickson, Sanford C. Gordon and Gregory A. Huber
Political Science |
American Journal of Political Science |
2014 |
Sharp Bounds on the Variance in Randomized Experiments |
Peter M. Aronow, Donald P. Green, Donald K. K. Lee
Interdisciplinary |
Annals of Statistics |
2014 |
Retailer Revelations: Why America’s Struggling Middle Class Has Businesses Scared |
Brendan V. Duke and Ike Lee
Economics |
Report |
2014 |
How to Enhance Police Legitimacy and Reduce Gun Violence in Poor, Minority Communities |
Michael Sierra-Arévalo
Interdisciplinary |
2014 |
Reporting Guidelines for Experimental Research: A Report from the Experimental Research Section Standards Committee |
Alan Gerber, Kevin Arceneaux, Cheryl Boudreau, Conor Dowling, Sunshine Hillygus, Thomas Palfrey, Daniel R. Biggers and David J. Hendry
Political Science |
Journal of Experimental Political Science |
2014 |
Patient Health Data Privacy |
Bonnie Kaplan
Bioethics |
ISPS working paper |
2014 |
A Discussion of Fear Itself: The New Deal and the Origins of Our Time By Ira Katznelson |
David R. Mayhew
Political Science |
Perspectives on Politics |
2014 |
After the “Master Theory”: Downs, Schattschneider, and the Rebirth of Policy-Focused Analysis |
Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson
Political Science |
Perspectives on Politics |
2014 |
Selling Health Data: De-Identification, Privacy, and Speech |
Bonnie Kaplan
Bioethics |
ISPS working paper |
2014 |
How Should Health Data Be Used? Privacy, Secondary Use, and Big Data Sales |
Bonnie Kaplan
Bioethics |
ISPS working paper |
2014 |
Taking Stock and Taking Steps: A Report from the Field after the First Year of Marketplace Consumer Assistance under the ACA |
Rachel Grob, Mark Schlesinger, Lori Grubstein and Karen Pollitz
Medicine |
Report |
2014 |
Legal Cynicism and Protective Gun Ownership Among Active Offenders in Chicago |
Michael Sierra-Arévalo
Sociology |
ISPS working paper |
2014 |
Policy-Induced Risk and Responsive Participation: The Effect of a Son’s Conscription Risk on the Voting Behavior of His Parents |
Tiffany C. Davenport
Political Science |
American Journal of Political Science |
2014 |