
Title Author(s) Discipline Publication Yearsort ascending
Combining List Experiment and Direct Question Estimates of Sensitive Behavior Prevalence

Peter M. Aronow, Alexander Coppock, Forrest W. Crawford and Donald P. Green

Political Science Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 2015
Partisanship and the Allocation of Federal Spending: Do Same-Party Legislators or Voters Benefit from Shared Party Affiliation with the President and House Majority?

Adam M. Dynes and Gregory A. Huber

Political Science American Political Science Review 2015
A Note on Close Elections and Regression Analysis of the Party Incumbency Advantage

Peter M. Aronow, David R. Mayhew and Winston Lin

Political Science Statistics, Politics, and Policy 2015
From Cell Phones to Conflict? Reflections on the Emerging ICT-Political Conflict Research Agenda

Allan Dafoe and Jason Lyall

Political Science Journal of Peace Research 2015
Who Makes Voting Convenient? Explaining the Adoption of Early and No-Excuse Absentee Voting in the American States

Daniel R. Biggers and Michael J. Hanmer

Political Science State Politics & Policy Quarterly 2015
Open Trade, Closed Borders Immigration in the Era of Globalization

Margaret E. Peters

Political Science World Politics 2015
Does Corruption Information Inspire the Fight or Quash the Hope? A Field Experiment in Mexico on Voter Turnout, Choice, and Party Identification

Alberto Chong, Ana L. De La O and Dean Karlan, Leonard Wantchekon

Political Science Journal of Politics 2015
Can Incarcerated Felons Be (Re)integrated into the Political System? Results from a Field Experiment

Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Marc Meredith, Daniel R. Biggers and David J. Hendry

Political Science American Journal of Political Science 2014
National Service and Civic Engagement: A Natural Experiment

Ryan J.B. Garcia

Political Science Political Behavior 2014
Black Citizenship and Summary Punishment: A Brief History to the Present

Vesla M. Weaver

Political Science Theory & Event 2014
Institutional Sources of Legitimate Authority: An Experimental Investigation

Eric S. Dickson, Sanford C. Gordon and Gregory A. Huber

Political Science American Journal of Political Science 2014
Sharp Bounds on the Variance in Randomized Experiments

Peter M. Aronow, Donald P. Green, Donald K. K. Lee

Interdisciplinary Annals of Statistics 2014
Retailer Revelations: Why America’s Struggling Middle Class Has Businesses Scared

Brendan V. Duke and Ike Lee

Economics Report 2014
How to Enhance Police Legitimacy and Reduce Gun Violence in Poor, Minority Communities

Michael Sierra-Arévalo

Interdisciplinary 2014
Reporting Guidelines for Experimental Research: A Report from the Experimental Research Section Standards Committee

Alan Gerber, Kevin Arceneaux, Cheryl Boudreau, Conor Dowling, Sunshine Hillygus, Thomas Palfrey, Daniel R. Biggers and David J. Hendry

Political Science Journal of Experimental Political Science 2014
Patient Health Data Privacy

Bonnie Kaplan

Bioethics ISPS working paper 2014
A Discussion of Fear Itself: The New Deal and the Origins of Our Time By Ira Katznelson

David R. Mayhew

Political Science Perspectives on Politics 2014
After the “Master Theory”: Downs, Schattschneider, and the Rebirth of Policy-Focused Analysis

Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson

Political Science Perspectives on Politics 2014
Selling Health Data: De-Identification, Privacy, and Speech

Bonnie Kaplan

Bioethics ISPS working paper 2014
How Should Health Data Be Used? Privacy, Secondary Use, and Big Data Sales

Bonnie Kaplan

Bioethics ISPS working paper 2014