
Title Author(s) Discipline Publication Yearsort ascending
The Dog That Almost Barked: What the ACA Repeal Fight Says about the Resilience of the American Welfare State

Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson

Political Science Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 2018
The Historical Presidency: The Foundations of the Modern Presidency: Presidential Representation, the Unitary Executive Theory, and the Reorganization Act of 1939

John Dearborn

Political Science Presidential Studies Quarterly 2018
It's Largely a Rigged System: Voter Confidence and the Winner Effect in 2016

Betsy Sinclair, Steven S. Smith, and Patrick D. Tucker

Political Science Political Research Quarterly 2018
The Long-lasting Effects of Newspaper Op-Eds on Public Opinion

Alexander Coppock, Emily Ekins and David Kirby

Political Science Quarterly Journal of Political Science 2018
Present at the Creation: The State in Early American Political History

Stephen Skowronek

Political Science Journal of the Early Republic 2018
Who Gets the Credit? Legislative Responsiveness and Evaluations of Members, Parties, and the US Congress

Daniel M. Butler, Christopher F. Karpowitz, Jeremy C. Pope

Political Science Political Science Research and Methods 2018
Generalizing from Survey Experiments Conducted on Mechanical Turk: A Replication Approach

Alexander E. Coppock

Political Science Political Science Research and Methods 2018
Do Bilinguals Respond More Favorably to Candidate Advertisements in English or in Spanish?

Alejandro Flores and Alexander Coppock

Political Science Political Communication 2018
The Connecticut Individual Healthcare Responsibility Fee

Fiona M. Scott Morton

Interdisciplinary 2018
Exploiting Donald Trump: Using Candidates’ Positions to Assess Ideological Voting in the 2016 and 2008 Presidential Elections

Andrew Gooch and Gregory A. Huber

Political Science Presidential Studies Quarterly 2018
Estimating Average Causal Effects Under General Interference, with Application to a Social Network Experiment

Peter M. Aronow and Cyrus Samii

Interdisciplinary Annals of Applied Statistics 2017
Why Do Courts Delay?

Deborah Beim, Tom S. Clark, and John W. Patty

Interdisciplinary Journal of Law and Courts 2017
A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Effects of Police Body-Worn Cameras

David Yokum, Anita Ravishankar, Alexander Coppock

Interdisciplinary Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2017
Social Networks and Gang Violence Reduction

Michael Sierra-Arévalo and Andrew V. Papachristos

Sociology Annual Review of Law and Social Science 2017
Does Incarceration Reduce Voting? Evidence about the Political Consequences of Spending Time in Prison

Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Marc Meredith, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry

Political Science Journal of Politics 2017
Ripping Yarn: Experiments on Storytelling by Partisan Elites

Andrew Gooch

Political Science Political Communication 2017
The Effect on Turnout of Campaign Mobilization Messages Addressing Ballot Secrecy Concerns: A Replication Experiment

Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Albert H. Fang, Catlan E. Reardon

Political Science PLOS ONE 2017
Empirical Explanation in Political Science: The Case of Interest Groups

Joseph LaPalombara

Political Science Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche 2017
Do Subtle Linguistic Interventions Priming a Social Identity as a Voter Have Outsized Effects on Voter Turnout? Evidence From a New Replication Experiment

Alan Gerber, Greg Huber, and Al Fang

Political Science Political Psychology 2017
Are Voting Norms Conditional? How Electoral Context and Peer Behavior Shape the Social Returns to Voting
David Doherty, Conor M. Dowling, Alan S. Gerber, and Gregory A. Huber
Political Science Journal of Politics 2017