About Our Publications
On this page you will find a list of publications by ISPS Affiliates, including peer-reviewed journal articles, policy briefs, and working papers.
When possible, Publications are linked to Projects and Data via the ISPS KnowledgeBase.
Title | Author(s) |
Discipline![]() |
Publication | Year |
Getting out the Vote in Local Elections: Results from Six Door-to-Door Experiments |
Donald P. Green, Alan S. Gerber, David W. Nickerson |
Political Science | Journal of Politics | 2003 |
Self-Prophecy Effects and Voter Turnout: An Experimental Replication |
Jennifer K. Smith, Alan S. Gerber, Anton Orlich |
Political Science | Political Psychology | 2003 |
No Decarbonization without Democratization: To Save the Climate, Open Democracy |
Hélène Landemore |
Political Science | Book chapter | 2023 |
Can Raising the Stakes of Election Outcomes Increase Participation? Results from a Large-Scale Field Experiment in Local Elections |
Gregory A. Huber, Alan S. Gerber, Daniel R. Biggers and David J. Hendry |
Political Science | British Journal of Political Science | 2022 |
Misperceptions of Relative Affluence and Support for International Redistribution |
Gautam Nair |
Political Science | Journal of Politics | 2018 |
Strategies for Dealing with the Problem of Non-Overlapping Units of Assignment and Outcome Measurement in Field Experiments |
Ana L. De La O, Daniel Rubenson |
Political Science | 2010 | |
The Interplay of Ideological Diversity, Dissents, and Discretionary Review in the Judicial Hierarchy: Evidence from Death Penalty Cases |
Deborah Beim and Jonathan P. Kastellec |
Political Science | Journal of Politics | 2014 |
The ‘Race Card’ Revisited: Assessing Racial Priming in Policy Contests |
Gregory A. Huber, John S. Lapinski |
Political Science | American Journal of Political Science | 2006 |
Evaluating Online Labor Markets for Experimental Research:'s Mechanical Turk |
Adam J. Berinsky, Gregory A. Huber, Gabriel S. Lenz |
Political Science | Political Analysis | 2012 |
The Power of Protest in the Media: Examining Portrayals of Climate Activism in UK News |
Eric Scheuch, Mark Ortiz, Ganga Shreedhar, and Laura Thomas-Walters |
Political Science | Humanities & Social Sciences Communications | 2024 |
The American Political Economy: Markets, Power, and the Meta Politics of US Economic Governance |
Jacob S. Hacker, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Paul Pierson, Kathleen Thelen |
Political Science | Annual Review of Political Science | 2022 |
Signaling with Reform: How the Threat of Corruption Prevents Informed Policy-making |
Keith E. Schnakenberg and Ian R. Turner |
Political Science | American Political Science Review | 2019 |
Experimenting in Democracy Promotion: International Observers and the 2004 Presidential Elections in Indonesia. |
Hyde, Susan D. |
Political Science | Perspectives on Politics | 2010 |
Get-Out-The-Vote Phone Calls: Does Quality Matter? |
Shang E. Ha, Dean S. Karlan |
Political Science | American Politics Research | 2009 |
Do Conditional Cash Transfers Affect Electoral Behavior? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Mexico |
Ana De La O |
Political Science | American Journal of Political Science | 2013 |
Police Reform From the Top Down: Experimental Evidence on Police Executive Support for Civilian Oversight |
Ian T. Adams, Joshua McCrain, Daniel S. Schiff, Kaylyn Jackson Schiff, Scott M. Mourtgos |
Political Science | Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | 2024 |
Fiscal Pressures and Discriminatory Policing: Evidence from Traffic Stops in Missouri |
Allison P. Harris, Elliott Ash, and Jeffrey Fagan |
Political Science | Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics | 2020 |
Does Regression Produce Representative Estimates of Causal Effects? |
Peter M. Aronow and Cyrus Samii |
Political Science | American Journal of Political Science | 2015 |
Electoral Realignments: A Critique of an American Genre |
David R. Mayhew |
Political Science | 2004 | |
Fossil Fuel Divestment and Public Climate Change Policy Preferences: An Experimental Test in Three Countries |
Joshua A. Schwartz, Paul Lendway & Abolfazl Nuri |
Political Science | Environmental Politics | 2023 |
ISPS Working Paper Series
ISPS advances interdisciplinary research in the social sciences that aims to shape public policy and inform democratic deliberation. The ISPS network includes scholars and students from many departments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and from Yale’s graduate and professional schools as well as select experts from other institutions. The ISPS Working Paper Series provides a platform for ISPS affiliates to make their work available for public consumption and discussion.
Featured Books by ISPS Faculty
ISPS Sponsored Publications
ISPS Politics & Policy Book Series: A series striving to place policy- and law-making in historical and comparative perspective, reflecting the broad, multidisciplinary character of ISPS.
ISPS Journal: A biannual publication that serves to highlight ISPS scholars’ publications and as a development piece for foundations and interested donors.
GOTV website: A website compiling results from a wide array of voter mobilization field experiments. Findings from these scientifically measured studies of various Get-Out-the-Vote methods offer valuable insight into which methods are most effective in mobilizing voter turnout (Note: the website indexes GOTV experiments published before 2006).
The Bulletin of Yale University includes several issues devoted to ISPS (PDF): 2000-2002, 2002-2004, 2004-2006, and 2006-2008.