
About Our Publications

On this page you will find a list of publications by ISPS Affiliates, including peer-reviewed journal articles, policy briefs, and working papers.

When possible, Publications are linked to Projects and Data via the ISPS KnowledgeBase.

Title Author(s) Disciplinesort ascending Publication Year
Identifying the Effect of All-Mail Elections on Turnout: Staggered Reform in the Evergreen State

Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber and Seth J. Hill

Political Science Political Science Research and Methods 2013
Trains, Trade, and Transformation: A Spatial Rogowski Theory of America's 19th-Century Protectionism

Kenneth Scheve and Theo Serlin

Political Science American Journal of Political Science 2024
Qualitative Imputation of Missing Potential Outcomes

Alexander Coppock, Dipin Kaur

Political Science American Journal of Political Science 2022
Who Is Mobilized to Vote? A Re-Analysis of 11 Field Experiments

Kevin Arceneaux, David W. Nickerson

Political Science American Journal of Political Science 2009
Critical Events and Attitude Change: Support for Gun Control After Mass Shootings

Jon C. Rogowski and Patrick D. Tucker

Political Science Political Science Research and Methods 2019
Long-term Effect of September 11 on the Political Behavior of Victims’ Families and Neighbors

Eitan D. Hersh

Political Science Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2013
A Field Experiment Shows That Subtle Linguistic Cues Might Not Affect Voter Behavior

Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry

Political Science Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2016
Thank You for Voting: Gratitude Expression and Voter Mobilization

Costas Panagopoulos

Political Science Journal of Politics 2011
Listwise Deletion in High Dimensions

J. Sophia Wang and P. M. Aronow

Political Science Political Analysis 2023
Elite Influence on Public Opinion in an Informed Electorate

John G. Bullock

Political Science American Political Science Review 2011
Abandoning the Middle: The Revealing Case of the Bush Tax Cuts

Jacob S. Hacker, Paul Pierson

Political Science Perspectives on Politics 2005
Self-Interest, Beliefs, and Policy Opinions: Understanding How Economic Beliefs Affect Immigration Policy Preferences

Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry

Political Science Political Research Quarterly 2017
When Politicians Cede Control of Resources: Land, Chiefs, and Coalition-Building in Africa

Kate Baldwin

Political Science Comparative Politics 2014
The Effects of Canvassing, Telephone Calls, and Direct Mail on Voter Turnout: A Field Experiment.

Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green

Political Science American Political Science Review 2000
The Majority-Minority Divide in Attitudes toward Internal Migration: Evidence from Mumbai

Nikhar Gaikwad and Gareth Nellis

Political Science American Journal of Political Science 2016
Children and War: How “Soft” Research Can Answer the Hard Questions in Political Science

Christopher Blattman

Political Science Perspectives on Politics 2012
The Effect of Priming Structural Fairness on Inequality Beliefs and Preferences

Paul Lendway and Gregory A. Huber

Political Science American Politics Research 2023
How Voters Use Contextual Information to Reward and Punish: Credit Claiming, Legislative Performance, and Democratic Accountability

Alan S. Gerber, Eric Mark Patashnik, and Patrick Tucker

Political Science Journal of Politics 2021
Government Transparency and Policymaking

Justin Fox

Political Science Public Choice 2007
The Desire for Social Status and Economic Conservatism among Affluent Americans

Adam Thal

Political Science American Political Science Review 2020

ISPS Working Paper Series

ISPS advances interdisciplinary research in the social sciences that aims to shape public policy and inform democratic deliberation. The ISPS network includes scholars and students from many departments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and from Yale’s graduate and professional schools as well as select experts from other institutions. The ISPS Working Paper Series provides a platform for ISPS affiliates to make their work available for public consumption and discussion.

ISPS Working Paper Series

Featured Books by ISPS Faculty

ISPS Sponsored Publications

ISPS Politics & Policy Book Series: A series striving to place policy- and law-making in historical and comparative perspective, reflecting the broad, multidisciplinary character of ISPS.

ISPS journals

ISPS Journal: A biannual publication that serves to highlight ISPS scholars’ publications and as a development piece for foundations and interested donors.

GOTV website: A website compiling results from a wide array of voter mobilization field experiments. Findings from these scientifically measured studies of various Get-Out-the-Vote methods offer valuable insight into which methods are most effective in mobilizing voter turnout (Note: the website indexes GOTV experiments published before 2006).

The Bulletin of Yale University includes several issues devoted to ISPS (PDF): 2000-2002, 2002-2004, 2004-2006, and 2006-2008.