
Welcome to the ISPS Data Archive!

The ISPS Data Archive consists primarily of social science research based on experiments. The Archive is organized by study and includes the data, analysis code, requisite documentation, and other associated materials. All published materials have been reviewed to enable long-term usability. Read about our approach to curating for reproducibility. Access to the ISPS Data Archive is provided at no cost and is granted for scholarship and research purposes only.

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Title Author(s)sort descending Year archived
COVID-19 Local and Provincial Government Survey (LPGS)

Rohini Pande, Soledad Artiz Prillaman, Stefano Fiorin, Michael Callen

National Service and Civic Engagement: A Natural Experiment

Ryan Garcia

Experimental Evidence That Changing Beliefs About Mask Efficacy and Social Norms Increase Mask Wearing for COVID-19 Risk Reduction: Results From the United States and Italy

Saad Omer, Paolo Pin, Amyn Malik, Elliott Paintsil, Scott Bokemper, Maria Cucciniello, Kathryn Willebrand, Gregory Huber, Tiziano Rotesi, Alessia Melegaro

On the Merits of Separate Spaces: Why Institutions Isolate Cooperation and Division Tasks

Scott Bokemper, Gregory Huber

Health Risks and Voting: Emphasizing Safety Measures Taken to Prevent COVID-19 Does Not Increase Willingness to Vote in Person

Scott Bokemper, Gregory Huber, Alan S. Gerber

The Impact of Electoral Debate on Public Opinions: An Experimental Investigation of the 2005 New York City Mayoral Election

Sendhil Mullainathan, Julia Azari, Ebonya Washington

Not by Turnout Alone: Measuring the Sources of Electoral Change, 2012 to 2016

Seth J. Hill, Daniel J. Hopkins, Gregory Huber

Do Perceptions of Ballot Secrecy Influence Turnout? Results from a Field Experiment

Seth J. Hill, David Doherty, Gregory Huber, Alan S. Gerber, Conor M. Dowling

Sources of Bias in Retrospective Decision Making: Experimental Evidence on Voters’ Limitations in Controlling Incumbents

Seth J. Hill, Gabriel S. Lenz, Gregory Huber

The Small Effects of Political Advertising are Small Regardless of Context, Message, Sender, or Receiver: Evidence From 59 Real-time Randomized Experiments

Seth J. Hill, Lynn Vavreck, Alexander Coppock

Economics and Policy Preferences: Causal Evidence of the Impact of Economic Conditions on Support for Redistribution and Other Ballot Proposals

Stephen L. Ross, Ebonya Washington, Eric Brunner

Does Less Income Mean Less Representation?

Stephen L. Ross, Eric Brunner, Ebonya Washington

Changes in Candidate Evaluations over the Campaign Season: A Comparison of House, Senate, and Presidential Races

Steven Smith, Patrick Tucker

Experimenting in Democracy Promotion: International Observers and the 2004 Presidential Elections in Indonesia

Susan D. Hyde

The Observer Effect in International Politics: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Susan D. Hyde

A 2 Million-Person, Campaign-Wide Field Experiment Shows How Digital Advertising Affects Voter Turnout

Sylvan Zheng, Andrew Beasley, Solomon Messing, Harry Hartman, James Barnes, Kelly Zhang, Jennifer Allen, Alexander Coppock, Minali Aggarwal, Dan Frankowski

Policy-Induced Risk and Responsive Participation: The Effect of a Son’s Conscription Risk on the Voting Behavior of His Parents

Tiffany Davenport

Inequity Aversion and the International Distribution of Trade Protection

Xiaobo Lü, Matthew J. Slaughter, Kenneth Scheve