Team directory: Y
Team directory: Y
Reza Yaesoubi, Associate Professor of Public Health (Health Policy)
Dr. Yaesoubi’s research focuses on medial decision making and model-based evaluation of health policies. His work incorporates mathematical and computer simulation models, machine learning methods, and optimization techniques to guide resource allocation and decision making in public health and health delivery systems.
Itamar Yakir, Postdoctoral Associate
Itamar Yakir is a postdoctoral sssociate with the Democratic Innovations program at Yale’s Institution for Social and Policy Studies and with Yale’s Identity and Conflict Lab. He received his Ph.D. in Public Policy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2023.
Ziqing Yan, ISPS Graduate Policy Fellow 2024
Ziqing Yan is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Economics. Her research focuses on the impact of labor market policies on workers. For example, her previous work examines the effect of occupational licensing regulations on the gender wage gap. As an ISPS fellow, she will study the cost of job displacement at the household level and its implications for the design of assistance policies. She holds a B.A. in Economics from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.